Showing Collections: 371 - 380 of 5318
Bertha Waters Papers
"The History of Augusta Quakers: A Bicentennial Presentation"
This manuscript of Faith Brown Bertsche details the history of Quakers in Georgia, particularly Augusta Meeting in Augusta, Georgia.
Best Buddies Club Collection
Contains various documents and presentations on the operation and history of the Haverford College Best Buddies Club, founded in 2019.
Beta Rho Sigma records
This collection contains documentation of Haverford's Beta Rho Sigma fraternity, including two copies of a 1917-1918 society bulletin, two copies of a 1940 collection of member autobiographies, and a 2006 invitation to a Beta Rho Sigma and Triangle Society event.
"Bethany Mission for Colored People" records
Records of the Philadelphia-based "Bethany Mission for Colored People", 1862-1936, a non-sectarian institution established to provide literacy and "moral and religious education" for African Americans.
Bethel Monthly Meeting Records
Records of Bethel Monthly Meeting, 1921-1977. Includes men's minutes 1921-1977 and worship & ministry and its predecessors 1921-1963.
Bethesda Monthly Meeting Records
Records of Bethesda Monthly Meeting, 1971-2020. Includes minutes 1971-2001/2005-08 and digital minutes 2016-2020, plus some membership records and a run of newsletters.
Bethesda Preparative Meeting Records
Records of Bethesda Preparative Meeting, 1962-71. Includes minutes 1962-70, vital records 1963-71, and miscellaneous 1963-67.
Bethpage Preparative Meeting Records
Includes records of the pre-Separation and Hicksite Bethpage Preparative Meeting: men's minutes, 1773-2010; women's minutes, 1789-1795, 1805-1890; treasurer's book, 1785-1804.
Edward Bettle papers
This collection contains papers of the Bettle family, primarily Edward and Jane Temple Bettle.