Showing Collections: 3821 - 3830 of 5316
Plainfield Preparative Meeting (Hicksite) Records
Records of Plainfield Preparative Meeting 1834-93. Includes men's and joint minutes 1834-53 and 1890-93, and women's minutes 1871-1890.
Plainfield Preparative Meeting (Pre-Separation and Orthodox) Records
Records of Plainfield Preparative Meeting, 1793-1918, include: men's minutes, 1879-1904; women's minutes, 1834-1861; school fund treasurer's accounts, 1793-1892; school fund trustees minutes, 1824-1918.
Plainfield Preparative Meeting School Fund papers
This collection pertains to the activities of the Friends School Fund of the Plainfield, New Jersey Preparative Friends Meeting. It is composed primarily of legal and financial materials.
Plains Monthly Meeting (Pre-Separation and Orthodox) Records
Includes: men's minutes, 1838-1854; women's minutes, 1814-1851; marriage certificates (abstracts), 1814-1848; ministers and elders' minutes, 1830-53.
Gertrude Plaisted photo albums
Plan of the Lands Late of Henry Drinker, Dec'd
The Planet
The collection contains a handwritten version of The Planet.
Planetary Citizens Records
Founded in 1971, Planetary Citizen was an association of individuals who promoted the concept of mutual brotherhood and interdependence of all people, regardless of national origin.
George Plank Drawings from James Whitall Book
This collection contains the original drawings from George Wolfe Plank when he collaborated with James Whitall in his book "English Years." The chapters in which the original drawings were intended to feature in are noted.