Showing Collections: 4701 - 4710 of 5329
Howard M. Teaf, "Haverford in Wartime"
The collection consists of a typed copy of an essay or speech by Howard M. Teaf entitled "Haverford in Wartime," discussing Haverford College's response to World War II and its aftermath.
Temperance tracts
An assortment of tracts from the National Temperance Society and Publication House in New York (two spearate series), and the "Gospel Temperance Tracts" series published by the Orphan's Printing Press of Leominster, England. Many of the pamphlets include a single wood-engraved illustration.
A Testimony of 29 Friends of Preston Patrick Meeting
This collection is comprised of the single, handwritten copy of a paper from the Monthly Meeting Book at Kendal, England. The full title of the volume is: "A Testimony of 29 Friends of Preston Patrick Meeting Against that Paper which John Storye's Party gave forth, 28th of the 2nd month, 1678." The date at which the copy was made is unknown.
Text Book Association of Friends
The 19th century records of a Philadelphia-based Quaker organization whose aim was to provide textbooks which were aligned with Friends' principles, including not glorifying war.
Barbara Auchincloss Thacher papers
The Barbara Auchincloss Thacher papers contain the professional papers of Barbara Thacher, Bryn Mawr College class of 1940, President of the BMC Alumnae Association (1966-69), and Chairman of the Board of Trustees (1980-87). Thacher was highly involved in education, and also wrote for Harper's, Newsweek, the Herald Tribune, and the New York Times.
Edward P. Thatcher papers
The Asian Slant: Haverford's Militant Asian Magazine
Two issues of The Asian Slant from 1994 and 1996.
The collected records of the Woman's Peace Party : [microform]
The collection of Beulah Hurley Waring and Alston Waring, New Hope, PA
The collection, primarily of correspondence of Quaker Beulah Hurley (1886-) relating principally to her relief work after World War I in Europe and Russia under the auspices of several Friends' groups and the photographs of Quaker P. Alston Waring (1895-1978) taken in Europe, East Asia, California, Central America and mainly in India between 1915 and 1954.
The Cuban Farm
Draft, with many corrections, of the novel The Cuban Farm.