Showing Collections: 4971 - 4980 of 5336
War Tax Resistance Collected Records
War Tax Resister's Penalty Fund Records
The War Tax Resisters Penalty Fund began in 1982 as a volunteer project of the North Manchester, Indiana Fellowship of Reconciliation. It supported and encouraged conscientious war tax resisters in the U.S. As of 1994, the group had worked with about 1000 tax resisters and supporters, and numbered 500 members nationally.
James Warbasse and Agnes Dyer Warbasse Collected Papers
James Warbasse was a Brooklyn physician and socialist who, with his wife, Agnes Dyer Warbasse, was interested in labor, social conditions, and cooperative movements.
James P. Warburg Collected Papers
Ann Warder diaries
This collection includes three bound volumes of handwritten transcriptions and extracts of Ann Head Warder’s diaries, originally written between 1786 and 1789. The transcriptions were written by later family members during the 19th century. Diary entries describe Ann’s voyage to America and her travels within New York and Pennsylvania, including people she met, Quaker meetings she attended, and social calls made during her travels.
Ada Wardlaw Collected Papers
"Education of the Freedmen By Philadelphia and Baltimore Quakers During the Civil War and Reconstruction Period"
Waring Family papers
This collection documents several generations of the Waring family, mainly through financial records and correspondence. Some materials related to Thomas Waring's time as Superintendent of the Cooper Hospital in Camden, New Jersey.
Warminster Preparative Meeting Records
Records of the Hicksite Warminster Preparative Meeting, 1841-1953, as follows: minutes, 1841-1953; women's minutes, 1841-1881; account books, 1841-1953; women's account book, 1841-1883; property records, 1840, 1858; miscellaneous papers, 1895-1953.
Joseph Warner letter
This collection includes a single letter written by Joseph Warner.