Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 127
Devere Allen Papers
Author, editor, journalist and lecturer; advocate of internationalist pacifism; influential member of the Socialist Party in the 1930s; genealogist; recorder of Rhode Island history and lore; named Harold Devere Allen.
American Committee for Relief of German Children Collected Records
American Friends Service Committee: Civilian Public Service / Prison Service Committee Records
American Friends Service Committee Collected Records
The American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) was set up in June 1917 as an outgrowth of and coordination point for the anti-war and relief activities of various bodies of the Religious Society of Friends in the United States.
American Friends Service Committee lantern slides of World War I relief work
American Friends Service Committee papers
This collection is comprised of a single news letter and the correspondence of the American Friends Service Committee.
American Friends Service Committee photographs
This collection consists of miscellaneous photographs, collected over time from various sources, documenting the American Friends Service Committee and its projects. Post-World War I and post-World War II and Vietnam War relief work are well documented, and there are also photographs of AFSC work in the United States, Africa, other parts of Asia, and the Middle East.
American Friends Service Committee Reference Files
Contains the reference files collected and assembled by American Friends Service Committee over many years to keep it informed of parallel service work by British and Irish Friends. Includes minutes, reports, and related papers of Friends' War Victims' Relief Committee, Friends' Council for International Service, Friends Service Council, and other Quaker relief agencies, mostly under the direction of London and Dublin Yearly Meetings.
American Interracial Peace Committee Collected Records
Contains pamphlets and leaflets. Five items.