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American Civil Liberties Union: National Committee on Conscientious Objectors Records

Identifier: SCPC-DG-022
Abstract The roots of the NCCO began shortly after conscription in WWII was instituted. Little is known about the New York Office of the NCCO. It was headquartered at 31 Union Square West in New York City (NY) where the ACLU had its offices, and was likely set up in 1940, under the chairmanship of Norman Angell, and stayed in existence through 1945. In Washington (DC), the Temporary Committee for Legal Aid to Conscientious Objectors was formed in 1940. R. Boland Brooks had gone to NSBRO (National...
Dates: 1940-1946

Center on Conscience and War Records

Identifier: SCPC-DG-025

Organization still in existence that was formed to aid conscientious objectors in World War II.

Dates: 1940-2015

Julien D. Cornell Papers

Identifier: SCPC-DG-010

Julien Cornell (1910-1994) practiced law in New York City, with a special interest in civil liberties. During World War II, he handled many cases for conscientious objectors, as well as advising many other COs about their various problems with the legal system. He was considered an expert on legal issues regarding conscientious objection and Civilian Public Service, and was consulted by many lawyers throughout the country for his opinions.

Dates: 1940-1947

Abraham Kaufman Collected Papers

Identifier: SCPC-CDG-A-Kaufman, Abraham

In October 1928, Kaufman became the first paid employee of the War Resisters League, eventually becoming its Executive Secretary through 1947. He co-founded the Metropolitan Board for Conscientious Objectors.

Dates: Majority of material found within 1942-1997

Metropolitan Board for Conscientious Objectors Records

Identifier: SCPC-DG-060

The Metropolitan Board for Conscientious Objectors was a non-sectarian, free advisory service for conscientious objectors to war and military service. The MBCO was set up to provide counseling and legal aid in metropolitan New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut and established by the United Pacifist Committee in 1940. The group disbanded in 1980.

Dates: 1940-1980

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  • Names: Kaufman, Abraham X
  • Subject: Conscientious objectors -- United States X
  • Subject: Conscientious objectors -- United States X
  • Subject: Conscientious objectors -- United States X

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Draft -- United States -- History -- Sources 4
Conscientious objectors -- United States -- History -- Sources 3
Draft resisters -- United States -- History -- Sources 3
Conscientious objection -- United States -- History -- Sources 2
World War, 1939-1945 -- Conscientious objectors -- Sources 2
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Muste, Abraham John, 1885-1967 4
Baldwin, Roger N. (Roger Nash), 1884-1981 3
Civilian Public Service 3
Cornell, Julien D., 1910- 3
DeSilver, Harrison 3
∨ more
Metropolitan Board for Conscientious Objectors 3
Thomas, Evan W. (Evan Welling), 1890-1974 3
Barr, Allen H. 2
Boss, Charles F. (Charles Frederick), 1888- 2
Brooks, R. Boland 2
Butcher, Agnes Young, 1921-2005 2
French, Paul Comly, 1903-1960 2
Hill, Lewis K. 2
Lazarus, Frieda Langer 2
MacAdam, Ruth E. 2
National Committee on Conscientious Objectors (U.S.) 2
Phillips, Randolph Godfrey 2
Whitney, Norman J. (Norman Jehiel), 1891-1967 2
Albert, Alfred, 1908- 1
American Civil Liberties Union 1
Anderson, Jervis 1
Andresen, Bent, 1908-1991 1
Angell, Ernest, 1889-1973 1
Angell, Norman, 1874-1967 1
Bennett, Scott H. 1
Benson, Purnell Handy, 1913- 1
Big Flats Defense Committee 1
Bohn, Lewis Christian 1
Borkholder, Philip L. 1
Center on Conscience and War 1
Charlotte Citizens for Peace (Port Charlotte, Fla.) 1
Curry, A. Stauffer (Abram Stauffer), 1913- 1
Detzer, Dorothy, 1893-1981 1
Doty, C. LeRoy 1
Early, Frances H. 1
Fangmeier, Robert 1
Fellowship of Reconciliation (U.S.) 1
Forster, Clifford 1
Frankel, Esther S. (Esther Strum) 1
Furnas, Paul J. 1
Gara, Larry 1
Goldwasser, Martin 1
Gottlieb, Edward P. 1
Gregg, Richard Bartlett, 1885- 1
Harkness, Georgia Elma, 1891-1974 1
Hershey, Lewis Blaine, 1893-1977 1
Holmes, John Haynes, 1879-1964 1
Hoover, Warren W. 1
Hughan, Jessie Wallace, 1875-1955 1
Huston, Ora 1
Jewish Peace Fellowship (U.S.) 1
Lazarus, Leonard 1
Leland, Wilma Smith, 1903- 1
Milgram, Morris, 1916-1997 1
National Interreligious Service Board for Conscientious Objectors 1
National Service Board for Religious Objectors 1
Newton, Ray 1
Olmstead, Frank 1
Osborne, Winslow H. 1
Reeves, George B. 1
Reeves, George B., 1905- 1
Rustin, Bayard, 1912-1987 1
Sayre, John Nevin, 1884-1977 1
Schoenberg, Samuel 1
Schwimmer, Rosika, 1877-1948 1
Sherk, J. Harold 1
Tatum, Arlo D. 1
Tatum, Lyle 1
Thomas, Norman 1
Toney, Raymond J. 1
United Pacifist Committee 1
Van Kirk, Walter W. (Walter William), 1891-1956 1
War Resisters League 1
Watts, Roland 1
Will, Herman, 1915- 1
Willoughby, George, pacifist 1
Yolton, L. William 1
Young, Michael David, 1953- 1
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