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Jane Addams Papers

Identifier: SCPC-DG-001

A world-famous social reformer; co-founded the first settlement house in America in 1889; championed many causes on behalf of the urban poor, such as protection of immigrants, child labor laws, industrial safety, juvenile courts, and recognition of labor unions; a leading figure in the movement for international peace; awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1931.

Dates: 1838-; Majority of material found within 1880-1935

Hannah Clothier Hull Papers

Identifier: SCPC-DG-016
Abstract Hannah Clothier Hull (1872-1958), was one of the founders of the Woman's Peace Party and the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom. She served as a national officer of the WILPF for nearly forty years. Hull was also active in other social reform movements. A member of a well-to-do Quaker family, Hannah Clothier graduated from Swarthmore College in 1891. She first worked at a Philadelphia settlement house and then entered the graduate program in social work at Bryn Mawr College....
Dates: 1889-1958

National Council for Prevention of War Records

Identifier: SCPC-DG-023

The National Council for Prevention of War (NCPW) was directed by J. Frederick Libby for many years; it lobbied Congress and created educational peace material, among other activities and campaigns.

Dates: 1921-1975

Women's International League for Peace and Freedom Records

Identifier: SCPC-DG-043
Abstract Includes minutes, resolutions and general historical records; anniversary celebrations, committee minutes, literature and releases; office files from the legislative office, the finance and the executive director; includes miscellaneous records from branches, including New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania, among others; a large correspondence file includes general office correspondence as well as that of the National Organizational Secretary, the Washington Legislative Secretary, and...
Dates: 1915-

Filtered By

  • Names: Schwimmer, Rosika, 1877-1948 X
  • Names: Mead, Lucia True Ames, 1856-1936 X

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Pacifists -- United States -- History -- Sources 3
Women and peace -- History -- Sources 3
Peace -- Societies, etc. -- History -- Sources 2
Peace movements -- United States -- History -- Sources 2
Chicago (Ill.) -- Social conditions -- 20th century 1
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Addams, Jane, 1860-1935 3
Hull, Hannah Clothier, 1872-1958 3
Baer, Gertrude 2
Blake, Katherine Devereux, 1858-1950 2
Detzer, Dorothy, 1893-1981 2
∨ more
Doty, Madeleine Z. (Madeleine Zabriskie), 1877-1963 2
Hamilton, Alice, 1869-1970 2
Heymann, Lida Gustava, 1868-1943 2
Post, Alice Thacher, 1853-1947 2
Rankin, Jeannette, 1880-1973 2
Starr, Ellen Gates 2
Wales, Julia Grace, 1881- 2
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom. International Office 2
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom. U.S. Section 2
Woods, Amy 2
Woolley, Mary Emma, 1863-1947 2
Abbott, Edith, 1876-1957 1
Abbott, Grace, 1878-1939 1
Addams, John Huy, 1822?-1881 1
Alley, Alden Gifford 1
Arnett, Katharine M. (Katharine McCollin) 1
Art for World Friendship (Organization) 1
Baber, Zonia 1
Baldwin, Roger N. (Roger Nash), 1884-1981 1
Beverage, Albion P. 1
Biddle, Clement M. (Clement Miller), 1876-1959 1
Boeckel, Florence Brewer, 1885- 1
Bok, Edward William, 1863-1930 1
Bowen, Louise de Koven, 1859- 1
Brinton, Ellen Starr, 1886-1954 1
Bussey, Gertrude Carman, 1888-1961 1
Camp, Kay 1
Chalmers, Ruth 1
Committee for World Development and World Disarmament 1
Committee on Militarism in Education (U.S.) 1
Conference for the Reduction and Limitation of Armaments (1932-1934) (Geneva, Switzerland) 1
Dewey, John, 1859-1952 1
Drevet, Camille 1
Dudley, Helena Stuart 1
Eastman, Crystal, 1881-1928 1
Elliot, Martha Helen 1
Ely, Richard T. (Richard Theodore), 1854-1943 1
Emergency Peace Campaign (U.S.) 1
Fellowship of Reconciliation (U.S.) 1
Finucane, James F. 1
Fisher, Katharine Ward 1
Forbes, Rose Dabney, 1864-1947 1
Fosdick, Raymond B. (Raymond Blaine), 1883-1972 1
Fowler, Eleanor 1
Frank, Libby 1
Friends Committee on National Legislation (U.S.) 1
Gale, Zona, 1874-1938 1
Glücklich, Vilma 1
Gulick, Sidney Lewis, 1860-1945 1
Harris, Paul, b. 1897 1
Hertzka, Yella, 1873-1948 1
Hinton, Carma 1
Hommel, Dorothy O. 1
Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964 1
Hudson, Manley O. (Manley Ottmer), 1886-1960 1
Hull-House (Chicago, Ill.) 1
Ickes, Harold L. (Harold LeClair), 1874-1952 1
Ivey, Anne 1
Jacobs, Aletta H. (Aletta Henriette), 1854-1929 1
James, Ada L. 1
James, William, 1842-1910 1
Jane Addams Peace Association 1
Jordan, David Starr, 1851-1931 1
Jōdai, Tano, 1886-1982 1
Kelley, Florence, 1859-1932 1
Kellogg, Paul Underwood, 1879-1958 1
Kellor, Frances, 1873-1952 1
Lathrop, Julia Clifford, 1858-1932 1
Libby, Faith Ward, 1902- 1
Libby, Frederick J. (Frederick Joseph), 1874-1970 1
Lloyd, Lola Maverick, 1875-1944 1
Lochner, Louis Paul, 1887-1975 1
Lovett, Robert Morss, 1870-1956 1
MacKnight, Jesse M. (Jesse Mackenzie), 1910- 1
Mackenzie, Gladys K. G. 1
Marshall, Catherine E. 1
Midgley, Jane 1
Moore, Carol V. 1
Morgan, Laura Puffer, 1874-1962 1
Mueller, Melva 1
Muste, Abraham John, 1885-1967 1
National Committee on the Cause and Cure of War (U.S.) 1
National Council Against Conscription (U.S.) 1
National Council for Prevention of War (U.S.) 1
National Council of Women of the United States 1
National Peace Conference (U.S.) 1
Newton, Ray 1
Nichols, Ruth, 1901-1960 1
Nye, Gerald P. (Gerald Prentice), 1892-1971 1
Ormsbee, Carrie Wyckoff 1
Pye, Edith M. (Edith Mary) 1
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