Showing Collections: 11 - 20 of 38
Howard Haines Brinton and Anna Shipley Cox Brinton papers
Joseph Brinton Family Papers
Joseph Brinton, an outspoken member of the Society of Friends from southeastern Pennsylvania, was active in the Wilburite schisms of the 1850s and 1860's in New England. His family papers include his own journals, as well as his extensive correspondence. This collection also includes the correspondence of his two wives, Mary H. Brinton and Anna H. Brinton.
Cadbury-Brown Family papers
19th-century papers of the interrelated Cadbury and Brown Quaker families.
Emma Cadbury papers
The papers of Emma Cadbury (1875-1965), a Quaker social worker, consist of correspondence, programs, essays, notebooks, and clippings. These papers were kept by Cadbury while attending Quaker Women's Yearly Meetings and summer schools at Haverford and Bryn Mawr Colleges and the George School (Pennsylvania), during the early 20th century.
Addition to Henry J. Cadbury papers
Henry Joel Cadbury (1883-1974) was one of the foremost American Quaker scholars of the 20th century. He published in the fields of Quaker and biblical history, and served as a teacher and philanthropist. This addition to the papers of Henry Cadbury includes biographical materials, correspondence, diaries, writings, such as his The Book of Acts in History and photographs of Cadbury and his family.
Cope-Evans Family papers
Letters (with accompanying poetry, acrostics, drawings, clippings, etc.), marriage certificates, photographs, friendship book, estate related papers, account books, and computer disks. Primarily letters of the closely related Quaker families of Cope and Evans of Germantown (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania); other families include Brown, Drinker, and Haines.
Emlen Family Papers
Evans family correspondence
This collection includes photocopies of letters from Joseph and Hannah Evans addressed to their children William, Joseph, and Mary, while they attended Westtown Boarding School. Also included are letters from William Evans to his parents, and from Joseph Evans to his brother. These letters primarily relate family news.