Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 16
A Quaker Action Group Records
Center on Conscience and War Records
Organization still in existence that was formed to aid conscientious objectors in World War II.
Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors Records
CCCO developed a nationwide network of military and draft counselors and attorneys to assist conscientious objectors. Most active during the Korean and Vietnam Wars, the CCCO promoted such issues as amnesty, repatriation, and counter-recruitment.Operations were suspended in late October 2009. As of 2010, some of their counseling service has been taken over by the GI Rights Hotline.
Committee for Nonviolent Action Records
John D'Emilio Collected Papers
Ross Flanagan Papers
Ross Flanagan (1934- ), is Quaker pacifist and activist, has been involved in many Quaker-sponsored projects, peace, and civil rights activities. In the 1950s he served on the staff of the American Friends Service Committee. He was an early protestor against the Vietnam war and worked with A Quaker Action Group in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. In the 1970s Flanagan was involved in neighborhood revitalization projects in West Philadelphia.
Friends Committee on National Legislation Records
A Quaker lobbying group established in 1943 to bring conscience and spiritual values to the political process in Washington; it grew out of the work of the Friends War Problems Committee in 1940.