Showing Collections: 1 - 6 of 6
Gulielma M. Howland Collection
In these papers collected by Gulielma Howland are letters or other writings of such notable Quakers as George Dillwyn, Susanna Dillwyn, Samuel Emlen, John Fothergill,, Rebecca Grellet, Hannah Griffitts, Sarah Moore Grimke, Hill family, Margaret H. Hilles, James Logan, Margaret Hill Morris, Milcah Martha Moore, James and John Pemberton,, Daniel B. Smith, John Smith, Margaret H. Smith, Roberts Vaux, Daniel Wheeler and Thomas Wistar.
Morris family commonplace book
The commonplace book of the Morris family includes copied extracts from the journals of Margaret Morris, which include a description of Yellow Fever in Philadelphia in 1793, as well as copied poems, letters written by Mary Morris and Richard Hill Morris, and a clipped illustration depicting early settlers.
Morris family financial records
The Morris family financial records include account books, trustee accounts, and receipt books. Volumes generally record deposits, withdrawals for payments for goods and services, and account balances.
Margaret Hill Morris recipe book
This collection is comprised of the single volume recipe book of Margaret Hill Morris. This recipe book includes multiple recipes for pickling, drying, or otherwise preserving meat, eggs, and cream. A large number of recipes in this volume are for various ailments and illnesses, from adults to infants.
Margaret Hill Morris diary
Margaret Hill Morris was a colonial Quaker woman who lived outside of Philadelphia during the American Revolutionary War. The entries detail Morris’s experiences during the early years of the war, including her fears for her family, the movement through her town of various military groups, and her treatment of the sick and injured at surrounding military camps.