Showing Collections: 111 - 120 of 168
Delphic Literary Society Records
The Delphic Literary Society was a Swarthmore College men's literary society established in 1874. In 1913, the group merged with the Eunomian Society to became the Athenaeum. Records include the Delphic Literary Society's constitution, histories of the group, minutes, library and financial records, censor's accounts, miscellaneous papers and scattered issues from 1890 to 1902 of the Delphic Chronicle and Delphic Oracle.
Delta Sigma Rho membership book
Delta Sigma Rho was a collegiate honor society devoted to the promotion of public speaking (forensics). It was founded in 1906. This small collection contains one bound volume of membership records of members of the Swarthmore Chapter, ca. 1915-1929. Also the debate schedule for Swarthmore College 1903-1922, with debate topics.
Delta Upsilon (Swarthmore College Chapter) Records
Contains records of Delta Upsilon fraternity (Swarthmore College Chapter). Includes published and a small amount of manuscript materials, 1894-1991.
Swarthmore College employee photographs
This collection consists of photographs of Swarthmore College faculty, staff, administrators, and Board Members, from the time of the College's founding into the 21st century. Photographs collected by the Friends Historical Library from various sources internal and external to the College.
Eunomian Literary Society Records
The Eunomian Literary Society was a men's debating and speaking club founded at Swarthmore College, Pa., in 1871. In 1913, the group merged with the Delphic Literary Society, forming the Athenaeum. Records include minutes from 1871 to May 1913. Also includes printed copies of the constitution and by-laws and correspondence from 1872 to 1900.
Swarthmore College faculty and staff committees records
From an initial set of four standing committees of the faculty in 1881, the set of standing and ad-hoc committees of the faculty and staff at Swarthmore College has grown to include dozens of committees. The Swarthmore College faculty and staff committees records, circa 1900-2015, include committee meeting minutes, reports, correspondence, and related documents, arranged alphabetically by committee name.
Swarthmore College faculty and staff files
Individual files on some past faculty and staff members containing newspaper clippings, obituaries, often a CV, and similar materials.
Swarthmore College Faculty Club minutes
This series contains the minutes of the meetings of the Faculty Club from 1920 to 1927.
Swarthmore College Faculty Handbooks
This series contains various editions of the Swarthmore College Faculty Handbook and its predecessor publication, Faculty Regulations, as well as handbooks for Instructional Staff, Chairs, and Departmental Administrative Assistants.
Swarthmore College Meetings of the Faculty Records
This series includes the minutes and miscellaneous records of the Faculty, in both original paper format and microfilm. The minutes for the first meeting covered in Vol. 1, for 3rd mo. 5, 1877, start with approval of the minutes of the previous meeting, indicating that there is probably a missing volume.