Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 17
Another Mother for Peace Records
Another Mother for Peace was a women's peace group born from the antipathy to the war in Vietnam, based in Los Angeles, California. The stated purpose of this non-partison, non-profit organization was "to educate women to take an active role in eliminating war as a means of solving disputes between nations, people and ideologies." AMP closed its offices in January 1986.
Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors Records
CCCO developed a nationwide network of military and draft counselors and attorneys to assist conscientious objectors. Most active during the Korean and Vietnam Wars, the CCCO promoted such issues as amnesty, repatriation, and counter-recruitment.Operations were suspended in late October 2009. As of 2010, some of their counseling service has been taken over by the GI Rights Hotline.
Committee for Amnesty for All Objectors to War and Conscription Collected Records
Families of Resisters for Amnesty Collected Records
Gold Star Parents for Amnesty Collected Records
Joint Amnesty Committee Collected Records
Dwight S. Large and Frances K. Large Collected Papers
Papers of a Frances K. and Dwight S. Large, who worked for legal amnesty for Vietnam War resisters.
League for the Amnesty of Political Prisoners Collected Records
Albon Man Collected Papers
Albon Platt Man Jr.,was called up for the draft during World War II, but failed to register because of his conscientious objection to war, and was sentenced to three years in prison in March 1943. He was later involvemented with the Committee for Amnesty, the CCCO, the War Resisters League, and other peace groups.
Metropolitan Board for Conscientious Objectors Records
The Metropolitan Board for Conscientious Objectors was a non-sectarian, free advisory service for conscientious objectors to war and military service. The MBCO was set up to provide counseling and legal aid in metropolitan New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut and established by the United Pacifist Committee in 1940. The group disbanded in 1980.