Showing Collections: 81 - 90 of 1149
Archives of War Resisters' International, 1921-1974 : [microform]
Armistice Records
Group established in Seattle (Washington) to nonviolently protest against the Bangor Naval Base Trident nuclear submarine / missile system.
W. Arnold-Forster Collected Papers
This collection includes a pamphlet from 1926 by W. Arnold-Forster and summaries and outlines of speeches he delivered in 1932.
Art for World Friendship Records
This collection contains the personal files of Maude Muller, the founder of Art For World Friendship; the administrative files of the organization, including financial reports, information on exhibits, advertising of the aims of the organization, correspondence with WILPF, educators, and supporters around the world. There is also a large collection of original art work by children (see items removed from collection below; and exhibit listed under "Related Collections").
Ashtabula Peace Society Collected Records
Materials include correspondence and membership lists.
Katherine Anne Assante Collected Papers
Includes a copy of Assante's thesis and e-mail interviews with David McReynolds in support of her research. McReynolds was associated with the War Resisters League for many years.
Association de la Paix par le Droit Collected Records
Correspondence, flyers and handbills, newspaper clippings, periodicals, and pamphlets.
Association for Peace Education Collected Records
Association for World Education Collected Records
Materials include history and by-laws, meeting minutes, 1970-1980, form letters, information about sponsored conferences, program literature, newsletters.
Association Française pour la Société des Nation Collection
Administrative files, newspaper clippings, periodicals, pamphlets, and program.