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Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 37

Joseph Bancroft Family Papers

Identifier: SFHL-RG5-007
Abstract Joseph Bancroft (1803-1874) was Hicksite Quaker and cloth manufacturer from Wilmington, Delaware, who worked for the reunification of the Society of Friends in the 1860's and 1870's. He wrote a number of religious tracts and published a book, A Persuasive To Unity, which he published in 1874. At his death, Bancroft established a trust fund to secure the free circulation of this book among Quakers. This collection includes materials which relate to Joseph Bancroft's writing and other...
Dates: 1868-1989 [bulk, 1868-1914]

Joel and Hannah Bean Papers

Identifier: SFHL-RG5-012
Abstract Joel Bean (1835-1914) and his wife, Hannah Elliott Bean (1830-1909), were prominent Quaker ministers in Iowa Yearly Meeting in the mid-nineteenth century when Quaker settlements were expanding in Iowa. Joel Bean was born in Alton, New Hampshire, in 1825, the son of John and Elizabeth Hill Bean, and educated at Friends Boarding School in Providence, Rhode Island. He migrated to Iowa in 1853, and taught school at West Branch, Iowa, from 1850 to 1861. In 1859, he married Hannah Elliott Shipley...
Dates: 1825-1914

William Z. Shetter Bloomington Monthly Meeting Papers

Identifier: SFHL-RG5-219
Abstract William Z. Shetter (b. 1927) is Professor of Germanic Studies at Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana. He is an active member of the Society of Friends, and served as clerk of Bloomington Monthly Meeting for two terms, 1982-1985 and 1992-1995. During his first tenure as clerk, he kept a detailed personal journal, recording all that was going on in the Meeting as well as his thoughts and perceptions. During his second tenure, the Meeting decided to take under its care the marriage of a...
Dates: 1982-1993

George H. Burr Collected Papers on the Quaker Separation

Identifier: SFHL-RG5-313

The Burr Collection includes manuscripts which document the Hicksite position during the Separation of 1827/28 in Philadelphia Yearly Meeting and the trial over the Crosswicks School Fund. It is directly related to the Southard Papers/RG5/312, which contain a more complete description of the controversy. It also includes Burr's manuscript on the History of the Society of Friends which he compiled for Southard as background in preparing his case representing the Hicksite position.

Dates: 1822 - 1836

Mary Bye Papers

Identifier: SFHL-RG5-024

Mary (Du Bois) Bye, Quaker peace and social activist and member of Doylestown Monthly Meeting of Friends in Pennsylvania, was born in 1913. This collection consists of the papers relating to Mary Bye's political activity. It includes correspondence, notes, clippings, and other files concerning peace and justice issues.

Dates: 1966-[on-going]

Charles E. (Charles Eugene) Fager Papers

Identifier: SFHL-RG5-214
Abstract Charles Eugene Fager is a Quaker writer, publisher, educator, and activist. Born in 1942, "Chuck" Fager graduated from Colorado State University and attended Harvard Divinity School. After working for the Southern Christian Leadership Conference in Selma, Alabama, he performed Vietnam CO alternative service at Friends World College in 1966. He left FWC the following year, devoting his time to writing and freelance work. In the mid 1980s Fager started Kimo Press, a small publishing operation...
Dates: 1976-1999

Ferris Family Papers

Identifier: SFHL-RG5-040
Abstract The collection contains correspondence, journals and other writings, business and legal papers, and miscellaneous items of the Ferris family of Wilmington, Delaware, a prominent Quaker family. Of particular note are the correspondence and writings of Benjamin Ferris concerning the Separation in the Society of Friends, as well as the journals and diaries of Anna M. Ferris, David Ferris, Matilda Ferris, Benjamin Ferris, and Henry Ferris. Correspondents include William Lloyd Garrison, William...
Dates: 1737-1940

Friends World College Collected Papers 1957-1992

Identifier: SFHL-RG4-116
Abstract Friends World College was conceived as an accredited, co-educational, degree-granting liberal arts college combining a residence program with the opportunity for foreign travel and study. Planned as a "college without walls," it was sponsored by the New York Yearly Meeting and opened in September 1965. It was merged into Long Island University in 1991. The collection contains Mary-Cushing Niles's files pertaining to all aspects of Friends World College. Mary-Cushing Niles (1900-1993), a...
Dates: 1957-1992

Ruth P. Ringenbach Collected Friends World College Papers

Identifier: SFHL-RG5-247
Abstract Ruth P. Ringenbach, a member of Westbury Monthly Meeting, was a member of the Friends World College Association and served on the New York Yearly Meeting Liaison Committee. She was treasurer of the Association from 1978-1985. Friends World College became independent of New York Yearly Meeting in 1975, but members of the Association who were also members of New York Yearly Meeting served as a liaison between Friends World College and New York Yearly Meeting, keeping the Yearly Meeting...
Dates: 1975-1985

Friends World College Records

Identifier: SFHL-RG4-082
Abstract Friends World College was conceived as an accredited, co-educational, degree-granting liberal arts college combining a residence program with the opportunity for foreign travel and study. Planned as a "college without walls," it was sponsored by the New York Yearly Meeting and opened in September 1965. The College flourished in the 1960s counterculture environment, but ran into financial difficulties in the 1970s. While much of its support came from...
Dates: 1958-2001

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  • Subject: Church controversies -- Society of Friends X

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Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College 36
Haverford College Quaker & Special Collections 1
Lay ministry -- Society of Friends 11
Society of Friends -- Hicksite separation 11
Quakers -- New York (State) 10
Quakers -- Pennsylvania 10
Quakers -- Social life and customs 10
∨ more
Society of Friends -- Doctrines 7
Quakers -- New York (State) -- New York 6
Society of Friends -- Sermons 6
Society of Friends -- Pennsylvania 5
Hicksites -- 19th century 4
Society of Friends -- Education 4
Society of Friends -- New York (State) 4
Society of Friends -- Schisms and separations 4
International education 3
Quaker authors 3
Quakers -- Ohio 3
Schools 3
Schools -- New York (State) -- New York 3
Sermons, American 3
Slavery -- United States 3
Society of Friends -- Customs and practices 3
Society of Friends -- History 3
Society of Friends -- New York (State) -- New York 3
Society of Friends -- Testimonies and concerns 3
Society of Friends -- United States -- History -- 19th century 3
Spiritual life -- Society of Friends 3
genealogies (histories) 3
Abolitionists 2
Antislavery movements 2
Antislavery movements -- United States 2
Peace -- Religious aspects -- Society of Friends 2
Quaker social reformers 2
Quaker women 2
Quakers -- Delaware 2
Quakers -- Diaries 2
Quakers -- Indiana 2
Quakers -- Massachusetts 2
Quakers -- New England 2
Quakers -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia 2
Quakers -- Social service 2
Quakers -- Texas 2
Quakers -- United States 2
Slavery and the church -- Society of Friends 2
Society of Friends -- Congresses 2
Society of Friends -- History -- 19th century 2
Society of Friends -- Indian affairs 2
Society of Friends -- Wilburite controversy 2
Abolitionists -- United States -- History -- 19th century 1
American Literature 1
Antislavery movements -- History 1
Architecture -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia 1
Art and mythology 1
Art, Ancient 1
Baptism -- Society of Friends 1
Bible -- Children's use -- Congresses 1
Bible -- Study and teaching -- Congresses 1
Bible -- Theology -- Congresses 1
Church and social problems -- Society of Friends 1
Church work with African Americans 1
Church work with Indians -- Society of Friends 1
Civil rights -- Religious aspects -- Society of Friends 1
Congregational Friends 1
Conscientious objectors 1
Conscientious objectors -- United States 1
Disarmament 1
Disinvestment -- South Africa 1
Enslaved persons -- Emancipation -- United States 1
Feminism and art 1
Feminist psychology 1
Feminist spirituality 1
Feminists -- 20th century 1
Freed persons -- Virginia 1
Freed persons -- Washington (D.C.) 1
Friendly Letter 1
Gentle Persuaders. Motion picture 1
Goddesses in art 1
Indians of North America -- Government relations -- 1869-1934 1
Indians of North America -- Missions 1
Indians of North America -- New York (State) 1
Indians, treatment of 1
Jungian Psychology 1
Land titles -- Pennsylvania 1
Oral histories 1
Pageants 1
Peace -- Societies, etc. 1
Philadelphia (Pa.) 1
Philadelphia (Pa.) -- History 1
Plymouth Meeting (Pa.) 1
Public worship -- Society of Friends 1
Publishers and publishing 1
Quaker abolitionists 1
Quaker abolitionists -- New York (State) -- New York 1
Quaker authors -- 20th century 1
Quaker church buildings 1
Quaker conscientious objectors 1
Quaker women -- 19th century -- Correspondence 1
Quakers -- 19th century -- Diaries 1
Quakers -- 20th century -- Diaries 1
Quakers -- Abolitionists 1
+ ∧ less
Hicks, Elias, 1748-1830 5
Ferris, Benjamin, 1780-1867 4
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of Friends (Hicksite : 1827-1955) 4
Poole, William, 1764-1829 4
Friends World College 3
∨ more
Jackson, Halliday, 1771-1835 3
Jackson, John, 1809-1855 3
Kersey, Jesse, 1768-1845 3
Long Island University 3
McClintock, Thomas, 1792?-1876 3
New York Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Orthodox : 1828-1955) 3
New York Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends. Committee on a Friends World College 3
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of Friends (Orthodox : 1827-1955) 3
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends Library 3
Garrigues, Edward, 1756-1845 2
Hopper, Isaac T. (Isaac Tatem), 1771-1852 2
Nicklin, George L. 2
Ohio Yearly Meeting of Friends (Conservative : 1854- ) 2
Ohio Yearly Meeting of Friends (Orthodox : 1828-1854) 2
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends 2
Plymouth Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends 2
Seaman, David, 1791-1844 2
Stratton, Edward F., 1876-1968 2
Whittier, John Greenleaf, 1807-1892 2
Willis, Thomas, 1770 or 1771-1864 2
Alexander, H.P. 1
Alexander, Samuel, 1840-1914 1
All American Friends Conference (1929 : Oskaloosa, Iowa) 1
American Friends Service Committee 1
Backhouse, James, d. 1890 1
Baltimore Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends. Committee Appointed for Indian Affairs 1
Bancroft family 1
Bancroft, Joseph, 1803-1874 1
Bancroft, William P. (William Poole), 1835-1928 1
Barnard, Hannah, 1754?-1825 1
Bassett, Hannah, 1815-1855 1
Bassett, Ruth, d. 1860 1
Bassett, William, 1803-1871 1
Bean, Hannah E. (Hannah Elliott), 1830-1909 1
Bean, James, 1822-1915 1
Bean, Joel, 1825-1914 1
Beck, M.E. 1
Bennett, William, 1804-1873 1
Berrigan, Daniel 1
Bettle, Samuel, 1774-1861 1
Bewley, Maria, d.1886 1
Bewley, Samuel 1
Biddle, Mary, 1780-1849 1
Bloomington Monthly Meeting (Society of Friends : Bloomington, Ind.) 1
Boyce, Eliza B. (Eliza Bassett), 1807-1882 1
Boyce, Eunice B. (Eunice Bassett), 1811-1864 1
Braithwaite, J. Bevan (Joseph Bevan), 1818-1905 1
Braithwaite, Martha, 1823-1895 1
Bringhurst, Joseph, 1767-1834 1
Bronner, Anne Taylor 1
Brown, Gould 1
Burr, George H. (George Harris), born 1791 1
Bye, Mary, 1913- 1
Cadbury, Henry J. (Henry Joel), 1883-1974 1
Calder, Alexander, 1898-1976 1
Carmalt, Caleb 1
Cartland, Gertrude W. 1
Cartland, Joseph 1
Cary, Catharine Brinton 1
Chamberlain, Martha Ann 1
Chomsky, Noam 1
Churchman, George, 1730-1814 1
Civilian Public Service 1
Clark, Dougan, 1828-1896 1
Clark, Dougan, d.1896 1
Clouds, Kai Yutah, 1948-1980 1
Coffin family 1
Coffin, Charles F. (Charles Fisher), 1823-1916 1
Coffin, Elijah, 1798-1862 1
Coffin, Narcissa B. (Narcissa Battey), 1818-1892 1
College Park Association of Friends 1
Collins, Micajah, 1764-1827 1
Comly, John, 1773-1850 1
Conference on the Churches and Social Welfare 1
Continental Walk for Disarmament and Social Justice 1
Cope, Morris, 1800-1892 1
Cope, Samuel 1
Cox, Lydia Shipley Bean 1
Crosfield, Elizabeth, d.1883 1
Crosswicks Preparative Meeting of Friends (Hicksite : 1919-1958) 1
Davis, Timothy 1
Dillwyn, George, 1738-1820 1
Doncaster, Phebe 1
Dorsey, William, 1811-1874 1
Dugdale, Joseph A., 1810-1896 1
Eaton, Robert Whittington 1
Edgerton, Thomas, 1823?-1847 1
Edmunds, Albert J. (Albert Joseph) 1
Elkinton, Joseph, 1859-1920 1
Evans, Charles, 1802-1879 1
Evans, William, 1787-1867 1
Fager, Charles (Charles Eugene), -1942 1
Ferris family 1
Ferris, Anna M., 1815-1890 1
Ferris, David, 1821-1908 1
+ ∧ less