Showing Collections: 21 - 30 of 81
Julien D. Cornell Papers
Julien Cornell (1910-1994) practiced law in New York City, with a special interest in civil liberties. During World War II, he handled many cases for conscientious objectors, as well as advising many other COs about their various problems with the legal system. He was considered an expert on legal issues regarding conscientious objection and Civilian Public Service, and was consulted by many lawyers throughout the country for his opinions.
Courage to Resist Collected Records
Printouts of emails from Courage to Resist to group lists.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Dana Papers
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Dana was a writer and pacifist who taught comparative literature at Columbia University from 1912 until 1917. Dana lost his teaching post as an opponent of American participation in World War I. Dana continued to advocate civil liberties and the rights of conscientious objectors.
Eichel Family Papers
The Eichel Family papers provide a unique glimpse into the lives of conscientious objectors and peace activists from one family over two generations, from 1916 onward. Julius Eichel, David Eichel and Albert Eichel were all C.O.s during WWI. Julius Eichel and his wife Esther Eichel protested WWII. Their son Seymour Eichel also served time in prison for his refusal to serve in the military in the 1950s.
Edward W. Evans Quaker Concerns Papers
Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America Records
The Federal Council of Churches organized its Committee on the Conscientious Objector under its Department of International Justice and Goodwill in 1941. The Committee was interested in all aspects of conscientious objection, especially religious life in Civilian Public Service camps. Among the Committee's projects was the organizing of a program of visitation to CPS camps.
Fellowship of Reconciliation Collected Records
The Fellowship of Reconciliation was established in December of 1914, during a meeting at Cambridge, England. It is still in existence today.
Fellowship of Reconciliation (U.S.) Records
The Fellowship of Reconciliation in the U.S. was founded in 1915 by Christian pacifists. The organization, whose members are now drawn from many religious groups, seeks to apply principles of peace and social justice and non-violent social change to issues such as disarmament, conscription, race relations, economic justice, and civil liberties.
Charles Fisher Collected Papers
Charles Fisher was a draft counselor for the Boston Draft Resistance Group (BDRG), and involved with the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE).
Solomon Frazer prison letters, 1864-1865 (copies)
This collection is a compilation of photocopies and typescripts of the letters of Solomon Frazer, written while he was imprisoned at Salisbury Confederate Prison as a religious objector to the Civil War. The letters are arranged as an informal history of the prison and of the Quaker community of North Carolina during the Civil War. Also included are letters from several other Quakers, some of whom were imprisoned as religious objectors and others who participated in the conflict.