Showing Collections: 1 - 5 of 5
American Union Against Militarism Records
Identifier: SCPC-DG-004
In 1915 a group of New York pacifists and near-pacifists organized the "Anti-militarism Committee" to combat the war spirit of the time. Activities included lobbying, publishing, a lecture campaign, and the establishment of a Civil Liberties Bureau. The most notable achievements were the work in the successful effort to avert war with Mexico in 1916 and the encouragement of opposition to peacetime conscription following World War I. The office was raided by the government and American Union...
1915 - 1922
Found in:
Swarthmore College Peace Collection
Julien D. Cornell Papers
Identifier: SCPC-DG-010
Julien Cornell (1910-1994) practiced law in New York City, with a special interest in civil liberties. During World War II, he handled many cases for conscientious objectors, as well as advising many other COs about their various problems with the legal system. He was considered an expert on legal issues regarding conscientious objection and Civilian Public Service, and was consulted by many lawyers throughout the country for his opinions.
Found in:
Swarthmore College Peace Collection
New York Bureau of Legal Advice Records
Collection — othertype: Reel 142.1
Identifier: SCPC-Reel-142.1
Holdings in Tamiment Library: about half the records of the New York Bureau of Legal Advice consist of case histories pertaining to selective service exemption, draft evasion, conscientious objector status, military imprisonment, military discharge, desertion, amnesty, civil liberties and deportations. One third of the collection consists of office files, administrative reports and correspondence, including extensive fundraising correspondence. The remainder of the collection is made up of...
Found in:
Swarthmore College Peace Collection
Allen S. Olmsted II Papers
Identifier: SCPC-DG-095
Scope and Contents
The bulk of the Allen S. Olmsted papers is correspondence (1898-1977). Most of these are carbon copies of letters dictated by Olmsted and filed in subject transfer files at his law offices in Philadelphia and Media (Pennsylvania) [note: there are also many letters from Allen Olmsted in the papers of his wife, Mildred Scott Olmsted (DG 082)]. Correspondents include Brent Dow Allinson, Gertrude Baer, Emily Greene Balch, Roger Nash Baldwin, Witter Brynner, Joseph S. Clark, Sophia H. Dulles,...
Found in:
Swarthmore College Peace Collection
Murray Polner Papers
Identifier: SCPC-DG-113
Polner was an author and editor of books and periodicals on social history, public policy, and Jewish concerns. This collection chiefly relates to his research on Vietnam veterans for his book No Victory Parades and on the question of amnesty for When Can I Come Home? The collection also include audiotapes of oral histories of American Jews who were conscientious objectors or who resisted serving in the military during World War II or the Korean War. There is additional material from...
Found in:
Swarthmore College Peace Collection