Showing Collections: 11 - 20 of 115
Harold Barton Collected Papers
John Beer Collected Papers
Raymond Binford and Helen Binford Collected Papers
Raymond Binford served as President of Guilford College, High Point, North Carolina, for 16 years before taking a leave of absence to become the director of Civilian Public Service Camp #19 (Buck Creek Camp, Marion, North Carolina) during World War II.
Charles Bloomstein Collected Papers
Charles Bloomstein (1913 - 2002) was involved in a number of organizations that promoted civil rights, as well as peace. He was a conscientious objector during World War II, and served in Civilian Public Service (CPS) for three years.
Jack Bollens Collected Papers
Jack Bollens was a conscientious objector who worked in the peace movement in the 1960s and 1970s.
Wilmer Brandt Collected Papers
This small collection is primarily made up of correspondence with Jeannette Rankin and others, including Round Robin letters sent to (and received from) friends, most likely those who were in CPS with him.
Center on Conscience and War Records
Organization still in existence that was formed to aid conscientious objectors in World War II.
Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors Records
CCCO developed a nationwide network of military and draft counselors and attorneys to assist conscientious objectors. Most active during the Korean and Vietnam Wars, the CCCO promoted such issues as amnesty, repatriation, and counter-recruitment.Operations were suspended in late October 2009. As of 2010, some of their counseling service has been taken over by the GI Rights Hotline.
Central Conference of American Rabbis Collected Records
Horace Champney Papers
Horace Champney was a pacifist active in various causes from the late 1940s through the 1980s. He was a founder of The Peacemakers Movement in the 1950s and interested in civil rights, war tax refusal, and other social justice causes. Champney was a member A Quaker Action Group and a crew member of the ship the Phoenix, which sailed to North Vietnam with medical supplies, during the Vietnam war.