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Showing Collections: 111 - 120 of 171

Rhoads Family papers

Identifier: HC.MC-1033

Nineteenth century letters and papers primarily of the Quaker Gibbons and Rhoads families, often relating to abolition and the Free Produce Association.

Dates: 1822-1955

Sarah Wistar Rhoads family papers

Identifier: HC.MC-1211
Abstract The Sarah Wistar Rhoads family papers indicate strong relationships and family ties that spanned the 19th and 20th centuries. Sarah Wistar Rhoads (1839-1920) married William Gibbons Rhoads (1838-1880) on November 28, 1866. At that time, the Rhoads, Gibbons and Wistar families began corresponding, the result being an outstanding collection illustrating family support, friendship and love. These papers include correspondence, financial records, diaries and journals, memorabilia, classwork and...
Dates: Bulk, 1824-1930 1824-1963; Majority of material found within 1824 - 1930

William G. Rhoads diary

Identifier: HC.MC-975-01-057

The first pages of William G. Rhoads's diary ask a series of questions concerning moral behavior and manners, which Rhoads subsequently answers in each entry. Entries also detail Rhoads's apprenticeship as a book keeper, social calls, and Quaker meetings he attended.

Dates: 1858

John M. Rice diary

Identifier: HC.MC-975-01-099

John M. Rice's diary entries describe his voyages with the Navy, including information about the weather and caring for sick sailors. He appears to have been stationed near New Orleans, Louisiana, during the end of the War of 1812, and entries include news of military defeats during the war. Later entries describe his visit to family in Philadelphia and his attendance at social gatherings.

Dates: 1815-1867

Walter Robson journal

Identifier: HC.MC-975-01-058

Walter Robson's journal is entitled “Voyage to America and travels in the United States.” Its entries describe Robson's departure from England and his voyages to and from the United States, including weather, accommodations, and fellow passengers. While in the United States, Robson traveled to various Friends and meetings in Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Ohio, Chicago, Iowa, Indianapolis, Baltimore, North Carolina, and New York.

Dates: 1877-1878

Martha Routh journal

Identifier: HC.MC-975-01-059

Martha Routh's journal describes her voyage from London to Boston, which she took in 1794. Entries describe the small group of Quakers that Routh traveled with, including Thomas Scattergood, as well as descriptions of the weather, communications with other ships during the journey, and Routh's struggles with illness on board. The journal ends when Routh arrives in Boston, and her last entry describes her Quaker hosts there, and the burial of a man who died on board the ship.

Dates: 1794

Henry Russell diary

Identifier: HC.MC-975-01-060

Henry Russell's diary entries describe social calls, attendance at Quaker Meetings, personal and religious reflection, prayers, and reminiscences about his wife.

Dates: 1858-1861

William Savery diaries

Identifier: HC.MC-975-01-061

William Savery's diaries. The majority of the first volume concerns the Treaty at Canandaigua, and the remaining volumes are accounts of religious visits Savery made throughout Europe. Entries generally describe details of travel between destinations, Quaker meetings attended, Quaker families visited, and descriptions of each location's culture, food, language, style of dress, and form of local government.

Dates: 1794-1798

Thomas Scantlebury diaries

Identifier: HC.MC-975-01-062

Thomas Scantlebury's diaries describe his life in Bristol, England, particularly meetings attended, visits among Friends, business related news, and social calls.

Dates: 1771-1990

Scattergood Family papers

Identifier: HC.MC-1100

Chiefly the correspondence of Thomas Scattergood (1748-1814) with family and friends discussing spiritual matters and his travels in Great Britain, New England, North and South Carolina, Virginia, etc. Correspondents include Jonathan Binns, Josiah Bunting, John Cox, William Dillwyn, Henry Drinker, William Forster, Susanna Horne, Rebecca Jones, John Pemberton, Joseph Scattergood, Rebecca Scattergood, Rachel Smith, and others.

Dates: 1681-1909

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  • Subject: Diaries X
  • Subject: Diaries X
  • Library: Haverford College Quaker & Special Collections X

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diaries 154
Quakers -- Diaries 99
Quakers -- History 89
travel literature 39
Quakers -- Travel 35
∨ more
Quakers 27
correspondence 25
Quaker women 22
Quaker women -- United States 22
letters (correspondence) 16
Quakers -- Pennsylvania -- Social life and customs 15
Quakers -- Family relationships 14
commonplace books 13
Diaries 12
Women and religion 12
Haverford (Pa.) 11
Quakers -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia 11
Indians of North America 10
Society of Friends -- Clergy -- Diaries 10
Women clergy -- United States -- Diaries 10
manuscripts (documents) 10
Quakers -- Social life and customs 9
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 9
photographs 9
Seneca Indians 8
clippings (information artifacts) 8
England 7
Motherhood -- United States -- History 7
financial records 7
Society of Friends -- Hicksite separation 6
Society of Friends -- Indian affairs 6
Wills 6
Women travelers 6
speeches (documents) 6
Antislavery movements -- United States 5
Quakers -- Great Britain 5
Women -- Religious life 5
World War, 1914-1918 5
deeds 5
family papers 5
lecture notes 5
Abolitionists -- United States -- History -- 19th century 4
Americans -- Travel -- England -- History -- 19th century 4
Indians of North America -- Missions 4
Marriage -- Religious aspects -- Society of Friends 4
Philadelphia (Pa.) 4
Photographs 4
Quakers -- Genealogy 4
Quakers -- Ireland 4
Quakers -- Pennsylvania 4
Rhode Island 4
Slavery and the church -- Society of Friends 4
Society of Friends -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia -- History -- Sources 4
Society of Friends -- War relief and reconstruction 4
Yellow fever 4
marriage certificates 4
Abolitionists 3
Agriculture -- United States 3
Child rearing -- Religious aspects -- Society of Friends 3
Death 3
Europe -- Description and travel 3
Indians of North America -- Government relations 3
Pennsylvania 3
Quaker missionaries 3
Quakers -- Germany 3
Quakers -- History -- 19th century 3
Quakers -- Travel -- 20th century 3
Six Nations -- History 3
Society of Friends -- Missions 3
Society of Friends -- Missions -- Palestine 3
Society of Friends -- Wilburite controversy 3
Temperance 3
United States -- History -- War of 1812 3
Women -- United States -- Social life and customs 3
autobiographies (documents) 3
minutes (administrative records) 3
photograph albums 3
scrapbooks 3
Agriculture -- Pennsylvania -- History 2
Bird watching 2
Business -- Religious aspects -- Society of Friends 2
Canada 2
Diaries -- Religious aspects -- Society of Friends 2
Education 2
England -- Description and travel 2
France 2
Health 2
Japan 2
Kickapoo Indians -- History 2
Land titles 2
Lebanon 2
Medicine -- United States -- History -- 18th century 2
Mental health 2
Middle East -- Description and travel 2
Missionaries -- China 2
New York (State) 2
Osage Indians -- History 2
Palestine 2
Palestine -- History -- 1917-1948 2
Palestine -- Politics and government -- 1917-1948 2
+ ∧ less
English 170
French 1
Haverford College 25
American Friends Service Committee 9
Jones, Rufus M. (Rufus Matthew), 1863-1948 8
Cornplanter, Seneca chief 5
Cadbury, Henry J. (Henry Joel), 1883-1974 4
∨ more
Hicks, Elias, 1748-1830 4
Jones, Mary Hoxie 4
Kite family 4
Lloyd family 4
Walton family 4
Westtown Boarding School 4
Brinton, Howard Haines, 1884-1973 3
Cadbury family 3
Harvard University 3
Haverford Loganian Society 3
Kelsey, Rayner Wickersham 3
Pendle Hill (School: Wallingford, Pa.) 3
Scattergood family 3
Scattergood, Thomas, 1748-1814 3
Sharpless family 3
Sharpless, Joshua 3
Shipley family 3
Simmons, Henry 3
Society of Friends 3
Steere, Douglas V. (Douglas Van), 1901-1995 3
Babbitt, James A. 2
Bacon family 2
Bacon, David 2
Bacon, George 2
Benezet, Anthony 2
Bettle, Samuel 2
Borton, Hugh 2
Brinton, Anna Cox 2
Brown family 2
Cadbury, Catherine J. 2
Cadbury, William Warder 2
Carter family 2
Coleman, John Royston 2
Collins family 2
Drinker, Henry, 1734-1809 2
Emlen, Samuel 2
Grant, Elihu, 1873-1942 2
Jones family 2
Jones, Eli 2
Jones, James Parnell 2
Jones, Sybil 2
Jones, Virginia Costello 2
Kelsey Family 2
Kite, Mary, 1793?-1861 2
Ly , Juwan Usang 2
Madāris al-Frindz (Rām Allāh) 2
Morris family 2
Morris, Margaret Hill 2
Parrish, John, 1729-1807 2
Pemberton, John, 1727-1795 2
Philadelphia Free Produce Association of Friends 2
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of Friends (Orthodox : 1827-1955). Indian Committee (1827-1948) 2
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends Library 2
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends. Indian Committee 2
Potts, Ethel Rhoads, 1870-1962 2
Rhoads family 2
Rhoads, Anne Gibbons, 1809-1890 2
Rhoads, Samuel, 1806-1868 2
Rhoads, Sarah Wistar, 1839-1920 2
Rhoads, William Gibbons, Jr., 1838-1880 2
Scattergood, Joseph 2
Seebohm, Benjamin 2
Sharpless, Isaac, 1848-1920 2
Shinn family 2
Smedley, Edward 2
Stokes family 2
Swayne, Joel 2
Warder, Ann Head 2
Wistar, Thomas 2
Woolman, John, 1720-1772 2
Allen family 1
Allen, William Charles, 1857-1938 1
Allinson family 1
Allinson, Margaret 1
Allinson, Samuel, 1739-1791 1
Allinson, Samuel, 1808-1883 1
Allinson, William J., 1810-1874 1
Allison family 1
Alsop family 1
American Bible Society 1
Andrews, Peter 1
Associated Committee of Friends on Indian Affairs 1
Associated Executive Committee of Friends on Indian Affairs 1
Atwater, Richard Mead 1
Bacon, Edith Farquhar, 1892-1988 1
Bacon, Elizabeth, 1794-1844 1
Bacon, Francis R. (Francis Rogers), 1888-1965 1
Bacon, Francis, 1812-1870 1
Bacon, Samuel Allen, 1848-1908 1
Baily, Joshua L. (Joshua Longstreth), 1826-1916 1
Baily, Theodate Lang 1
Balderston, Lloyd, 1863-1933 1
Balderston, Mary F. 1
Barbour, Hugh 1
Barclay, Rachel, 1743-1792 1
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