Showing Collections: 21 - 30 of 31
National Council to Repeal the Draft Records
The National Council to Repeal the Draft (NCRD), organized in January 1969, worked to eliminate militaryconscription. Over forty organizations joined forces with NCRD to end the system of compulsory registration, classification, and induction. With a board power base the National Council to Repeal the Draft worked actively to get draft repeal legislation passed in Congress. With the official end of the draft on June 30, 1973, NCRD closed down its Washington operation in July of that year.
New Jersey Council Against Conscription Collected Records
Allen S. Olmsted II Papers
Philadelphia Youth Council to Oppose Conscription Collected Records
Resist Conscription Committee Collected Records
Channing B. Richardson Collected Papers
Correspondence includes letters responding to requests for support of conscientious objector status applications written by former students and/or Quaker acquaintances. He wrote letters on their behalf to various draft boards.
SANE, Inc. Records
John M. Swomley, Jr., Papers
John M. Swomley, Jr.; minister in the Methodist Church; served as Director of the National Council Against Conscription, editor of Conscription News, and as National Secretary of the Fellowship of Reconciliation; active with the American Friends Service Committee and the American Civil Liberties Union; campaigned against universal military training; author of books on militarism and the Cold War.