Showing Collections: 1 - 4 of 4
Maria Fox family correspondence
Collection — othertype: SC-041
Identifier: SFHL-SC-041
This collection primarily includes letters written by Maria Fox to her parents in Philadelphia while she was a student at Wilmington Boarding School. Also included are two letters from Maria's sister, Sarah Ann. The correspondence gives an account of the daily experiences of a student at Wilmington Boarding School. One letter briefly mentions a talk given at the school by the Quaker minister, Emmor Kimber.
Lavinia Lloyd Knight Papers
Identifier: SFHL-RG5-082
Lavinia Lloyd Knight (1816-1863) was a Quaker, of Wilmington, Delaware. The collection contains corresondence with Knight's sister, Elizabeth Knorr Knight (1814-1841), lesson book and journal kept as student (1830-1832) of Eli Hilles (1783-1863), essays, poems, biographical material, and other papers.
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Records: Education Committees (1833-1974)
Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: QM-Phy-501
The Committee on Education of the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends acts primarily as an advisory and consultative body. It has various funds at its disposal for use in assisting Friends schools and individual Quakers in the Yearly Meeting. An Education Committee was first appointed by Philadelphia Yearly Meeting (Hicksite) in 1833 to survey the state of education within its limits. Hicksites and Orthodox Friends subsequently named a sucession of subroups on...
Mary Elizabeth Pidgeon Family Papers
Identifier: SFHL-RG5-123
Mary Elizabeth Pidgeon (1890-1979) was born into an extended Quaker family who lived for generations in Clarke and Loudon counties, Virginia. She moved beyond the Virginia Quaker community to a career in the women's movement, first as a campaigner for women's suffrage (1917-1920), then as an educator and political activist in Virginia (1920-1928) and finally as a research economist for the Women's Bureau of the U.S. Department of Labor (1928-1956). During her retirement years, Pidgeon became...
1769-1979[bulk 1905-1979]