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Anna Melissa Graves Papers

Identifier: SCPC-DG-015

Anna Melissa Graves was a writer, teacher, world traveler, and internationalist. From the 1920s to the 1940s Graves traveled through Africa, Central and South America, China, Europe, and the Middle East. She taught school in many of these places and maintained a voluminous correspondence with the teachers, acquaintances, and former students she met on her travels.

Dates: 1919-1953

Alice Niles Lynd and Staughton Lynd Papers

Identifier: SCPC-DG-099

Staughton Lynd and Alice Niles Lynd, Quakers, authors, and activists in the civil rights and peace movements, who worked individually and collaborated on many labor and pacifist projects.

Dates: 1965-1995

Andy Mager Collected Papers

 Collection — othertype: CDG-A
Identifier: SCPC-CDG-A-Mager, Andy
Dates: Majority of material found within 1981-1985

Lynne Shivers Papers

Identifier: SCPC-DG-263

Enid Lynne Shivers was a peace activist and prominent member of Movement for a New Society, for which she organized and wrote informational materials. This collection of her personal materials is primarily composed of journals dating from the 1960s until 2014 and materials from time she spent doing peace work in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Dates: Majority of material found within 1941-2015

Marjorie Swann and Robert Swann Papers

Identifier: SCPC-DG-264

The Swanns were Quaker peace activitists who were particularly well known for their part in nonviolent direct action against nuclear weapons testing and deployment in the 1950s-1960s.

Dates: Majority of material found within 1949-1972

George Willoughby and Lillian Willoughby Papers

Identifier: SCPC-DG-236

George Willoughby (December 9, 1914 - January 5, 2010) and Lillian Willoughby (c. 1916 - January 15, 2009) were Quaker activists who took part in nonviolent protests against war, conducted nonviolence trainings in India and other countries, and advocated for preservation of land in New Jersey and elsewhere.

Dates: 1931-2010

Filtered By

  • Subject: Pacifists X
  • Subject: Political activists -- United States -- History -- Sources X

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Political activists -- United States -- History -- Sources 5
Conscientious objectors -- United States -- History -- Sources 3
Nonviolence -- United States -- History -- Sources 3
Women political activists -- United States -- History -- Sources 3
Antinuclear movement -- United States -- History -- Sources 2
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American Friends Service Committee 2
Golden Rule (Ketch) 2
Shivers, Lynne 2
Willoughby, George, pacifist 2
Willoughby, Lillian, 1915-2009 2
∨ more
A Quaker Action Group 1
Addams, Jane, 1860-1935 1
Albizu Campos, Pedro, 1891-1965 1
Angell, Norman, 1874-1967 1
Annual Training Institute in Non-Violence, Grindstone Island (Portland, Ontario, Canada) 1
Baer, Gertrude 1
Balabanoff, Angelica, 1878-1965 1
Balch, Emily Greene, 1867-1961 1
Barbusse, Henri, 1873-1935 1
British Withdrawal from Northern Ireland Campaign 1
Brockway, Fenner, 1888-1988 1
Brown, A. Barratt 1
Buck, Pearl S. (Pearl Sydenstricker), 1892-1973 1
Catt, Carrie Chapman, 1859-1947 1
Civilian Public Service 1
Clark, Roderic Kendall 1
Coalition for Peace in the Middle East 1
Cunard, Nancy, 1896-1965 1
Delaware Valley Land Trust 1
Denison, Paul Bert 1
Dodge, Richard K. 1
Drevet, Camille 1
Eichel, Julius, 1896- 1
Faulkner, Stanley 1
Ferber, Michael 1
Ginger, Ann Fagan 1
Goicochea, E. J. 1
Graves, Anna Melissa, 1875-1964 1
Grimes, Louis Arthur, 1883- 1
Haessler, Carl, 1888-1972 1
Hartmann, George W. (George Wilfried), 1904-1955 1
Hartsough, David 1
Haya de la Torre, Víctor Raúl, 1895-1979 1
Heisler, Francis, 1895- 1
Holmes, John Haynes, 1879-1964 1
Huebsch, B. W. (Benjamin W.), 1876-1964 1
Jones, Peter D. 1
Kaufman, Abraham 1
Kohn, Hans, 1891-1971 1
Lakey, George 1
Ligt, Bart de, 1883-1938 1
Lynd, Alice 1
Lynd, Staughton 1
Lyttle, Bradford 1
Lévy, Blancy 1
Mager, Andy, 1961- 1
McReynolds, David 1
Mencken, H. L. (Henry Louis), 1880-1956 1
Morgan, Angela 1
Movement for a New Society 1
Muste, Abraham John, 1885-1967 1
Nearing, Scott, 1883-1983 1
New England Committee for Nonviolent Action 1
Omaha Action (Project) 1
Partido Aprista Peruano 1
Peace Brigades International 1
Peacemaker Movement 1
Pendle Hill (School: Wallingford, Pa.) 1
Rannels, Marion 1
Reynolds, Barbara (Barbara Leonard) 1
Reynolds, Earle L. 1
Reynolds, Reginald, 1905-1958 1
Rodd, Thomas 1
Rolland, Marie Romain 1
Romero James, Concha 1
Royden, A. Maude (Agnes Maude), 1876-1956 1
Russell, Bertrand, 1872-1970 1
Salstrom, F. Paul 1
Schwimmer, Rosika, 1877-1948 1
Sforza, Carlo, conte, 1872-1952 1
Shero, Jeffrey 1
Sidgwick, Ethel, 1877-1970 1
Swann, Marjorie 1
Swann, Robert S. 1
Sánchez, Luis Alberto, 1900-1994 1
Tatum, Arlo D. 1
Thomas, Evan W. (Evan Welling), 1890-1974 1
Thomas, Norman, 1884-1968 1
United States. War Relocation Authority 1
Vasconcellos, J. Leite de (José Leite), 1858-1941 1
Wolfe, Bertram David, 1896-1977 1
Woods, Amy 1
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