Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 15
Civilian Public Service Union Records
Charles E. Frantz Collected Papers
George Houser Collected Papers
Collection is primarily correspondence between Houser and others regarding amnesty for war objectors (1945-1947), the Break With Conscription committee (1946-1947), correspondence with conscientious objectors (1942-1946), the Labour Pacifist Fellowship (Britain) (1945), Civilian Public Service strike (1946), the Peace Now Movement (1943-1944), and the Resist Conscription Committee (1948).
Abraham Kaufman Collected Papers
In October 1928, Kaufman became the first paid employee of the War Resisters League, eventually becoming its Executive Secretary through 1947. He co-founded the Metropolitan Board for Conscientious Objectors.
Frieda Langer Lazarus Collected Papers
Collection consists of correspondence and printed matter related to Lazarus's involvement as Chair of the War Resisters League's Conscientious Objector Problems Committee, 1943-1946.
Alice Niles Lynd and Staughton Lynd Papers
Staughton Lynd and Alice Niles Lynd, Quakers, authors, and activists in the civil rights and peace movements, who worked individually and collaborated on many labor and pacifist projects.
Andy Mager Collected Papers
Albon Man Collected Papers
Albon Platt Man Jr.,was called up for the draft during World War II, but failed to register because of his conscientious objection to war, and was sentenced to three years in prison in March 1943. He was later involvemented with the Committee for Amnesty, the CCCO, the War Resisters League, and other peace groups.
Joseph Moray Collected Papers
Correspondence of Joseph Moray, also known as Joseph Moskovitz, with his cousin, Shirley Moskovitz, and with Camille Weare.
Elliston P. Morris Collected Papers
Elliston P. Morris was a Quaker conscientious objector during WWII.