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Devere Allen Papers

Identifier: SCPC-DG-053

Author, editor, journalist and lecturer; advocate of internationalist pacifism; influential member of the Socialist Party in the 1930s; genealogist; recorder of Rhode Island history and lore; named Harold Devere Allen.

Dates: 1809-1978; Majority of material found within 1910-1955

League of Nations Association Collected Records

Identifier: SCPC-CDG-A-League of Nations Association

The American Association for International Cooperation and the League of Nations Non-Partisan Committee merged on January 10, 1923 to become the League of Nations Non-Partisan Association. This name was shortened in 1929 to become the League of Nations Association. The organization was inactive during WWII. After the war, it was revived as the United Nations Association.

Dates: Majority of material found within 1916, 1922-1945

Edwin D. Mead and Lucia Ames Mead Papers

Identifier: SCPC-DG-021
Abstract Edwin D. Mead (1849-1937), and Lucia Ames Mead (1856-1936), were both leading pacifists, writers, and social reformers of the U.S. and international peace movement. Edwin Mead directed the work of the World Peace Foundation and participated in many international peace congresses. He was an American delegate to the International Peace Bureau. Mead helped found the School Peace League and was a prominent member of the American Peace League. Lucia Ames Mead was a leading member of many feminist...
Dates: 1876-1938

National Council for Prevention of War Records

Identifier: SCPC-DG-023

The National Council for Prevention of War (NCPW) was directed by J. Frederick Libby for many years; it lobbied Congress and created educational peace material, among other activities and campaigns.

Dates: 1921-1975

Peoples Mandate Committee Records

Identifier: SCPC-DG-109
Abstract Peoples Mandate to Governments to End War was an international campaign begun on September 6, 1935, by the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom to express such overwhelming opposition to war that governments would not dare resort to it as a means of solving disputes between nations. By the end of the decade the Peoples Mandate became an independent organization, headed by Mabel Vernon, and focused on peace and connections between women and women's organizations in the...
Dates: 1935-1975; Majority of material found within 1935-1956

Women's International League for Peace and Freedom Records

Identifier: SCPC-DG-043
Abstract Includes minutes, resolutions and general historical records; anniversary celebrations, committee minutes, literature and releases; office files from the legislative office, the finance and the executive director; includes miscellaneous records from branches, including New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania, among others; a large correspondence file includes general office correspondence as well as that of the National Organizational Secretary, the Washington Legislative Secretary, and...
Dates: 1915-

Filtered By

  • Subject: Peace movements X
  • Names: Catt, Carrie Chapman, 1859-1947 X

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Pacifists -- United States -- History -- Sources 3
Peace -- Societies, etc. -- History -- Sources 2
Women and peace -- History -- Sources 2
Authors, American -- 20th century -- Sources 1
Children's literature -- Awards -- History -- Sources 1
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Balch, Emily Greene, 1867-1961 5
Addams, Jane, 1860-1935 3
Hull, Hannah Clothier, 1872-1958 3
Mead, Lucia True Ames, 1856-1936 3
Schwimmer, Rosika, 1877-1948 3
∨ more
Thomas, Norman, 1884-1968 3
Villard, Oswald Garrison, 1872-1949 3
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom. U.S. Section 3
Baldwin, Roger N. (Roger Nash), 1884-1981 2
Drevet, Camille 2
Emergency Peace Campaign (U.S.) 2
Fellowship of Reconciliation (U.S.) 2
Fisher, Dorothy Canfield, 1879-1958 2
Forbes, Rose Dabney, 1864-1947 2
Gulick, Sidney Lewis, 1860-1945 2
Harris, Paul, b. 1897 2
Jordan, David Starr, 1851-1931 2
Libby, Frederick J. (Frederick Joseph), 1874-1970 2
Muste, Abraham John, 1885-1967 2
National Council for Prevention of War (U.S.) 2
Newton, Ray 2
Sayre, John Nevin, 1884-1977 2
Shelley, Rebecca, 1887-1984 2
Wilson, E. Raymond (Edward Raymond), 1896-1987 2
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom. International Office 2
Abbott, Grace, 1878-1939 1
Acheson, Dean, 1893-1971 1
Adler, Friedrich 1
Allen, Devere, 1891-1955 1
Allen, Horatio, 1802-1889 1
Allen, Marie Hollister, 1893-1979 1
Alley, Alden Gifford 1
American Committee for the Defense of Leon Trotsky 1
American Friends Service Committee 1
American League against War and Fascism 1
American Peace League 1
Angell, Norman, 1874-1967 1
Armstrong, Florence A. (Florence Arzelia), 1881-1962 1
Art for World Friendship (Organization) 1
Baer, Gertrude 1
Beard, Charles A. (Charles Austin), 1874-1948 1
Berg, Russel O. 1
Beverage, Albion P. 1
Biddle, Clement M. (Clement Miller), 1876-1959 1
Blackwell, Alice Stone, 1857-1950 1
Boeckel, Florence Brewer, 1885- 1
Bolling, Landrum Rymer 1
Boyer, Gaeta Wold 1
Brainerd, Heloise, 1881-1969 1
Breckinridge, Sophonisba P. (Sophonisba Preston), 1866-1948 1
Brinton, Ellen Starr, 1886-1954 1
Brittain, Vera, 1893-1970 1
Brockway, Fenner, 1888-1988 1
Broun, Heywood, 1888-1939 1
Buck, Pearl S. (Pearl Sydenstricker), 1892-1973 1
Burke, Ana del Pulgar 1
Burritt, Elihu, 1810-1879 1
Camp, Kay 1
Carnegie, Andrew, 1835-1919 1
Catchpool, Corder, 1883-1952 1
Ceresole, Pierre, 1879-1945 1
Chalmers, Ruth 1
Chase, E. Dixwell 1
Committee for World Development and World Disarmament 1
Committee on Militarism in Education (U.S.) 1
Coolidge, A. Sprague 1
Cranston, Maurice, 1920-1993 1
Curti, Merle (Merle Eugene), 1897-1996 1
Detzer, Dorothy, 1893-1981 1
Dewey, John, 1859-1952 1
Du Bois, W. E. B. (William Edward Burghardt), 1868-1963 1
Dulles, John Foster 1
Eastman, Crystal, 1881-1928 1
Einstein, Albert 1
Engelbrecht, H. C. (Helmuth Carol), 1895-1939 1
Fey, Harold E. (Harold Edward), 1898-1990 1
Finucane, James F. 1
Florence, Lella Secor, 1887-1966 1
Fosdick, Raymond B. (Raymond Blaine), 1883-1972 1
Fowler, Eleanor 1
Frank, Libby 1
Friends Committee on National Legislation (U.S.) 1
Fry, A. Ruth (Anna Ruth), 1878-1962 1
Gale, Zona, 1874-1938 1
Garvey, Marcus, 1887-1940 1
Grant, Donald, 1889- 1
Graves, Anna Melissa, 1875-1964 1
Gray, Philip, 1906- 1
Gregg, Richard Bartlett, 1885- 1
Hamilton, Alice, 1869-1970 1
Hassler, Alfred, 1910- 1
Hinton, Carma 1
Holmes, John Haynes, 1879-1964 1
Hughan, Jessie Wallace, 1875-1955 1
Hunt, Dorothy H. 1
Hutchins, Grace 1
Inman, Samuel Guy, 1877-1965 1
International Peace Bureau 1
Ivey, Anne 1
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