Showing Collections: 151 - 160 of 222
New Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam Collected Records
New York Friends Group Records
A funding agency for U.S. peace and antinuclear groups, organized and run by activist Doris Shamleffer.
New York Workshop in Nonviolence Collected Records
New York Yearly Meeting Records: Outreach and Witness Committees
Records include minutes, reports, and general files of the New York Yearly Meeting committees particularly involved in carrying out the Quaker testimonies which involved outreach. Each committee is described and ennumerated separately, with reference to its predecessors and sucessors.
Nonviolent Action Community of Cascadia Records
This collection includes correspondence (1981-1985), administrative files, financial records, minutes of Board of Directors' meetings (1990-2008), and publicity materials. Much of the correspondence is to, or from, Ed Pearson, a founder and National Coordinator of CMTC. The collection includes information about international war tax resistance efforts, nonviolent direct action campaigns, and grants made from interest on the escrow account.
North American Seminar on Training and Organizing for Nonviolent Action Collected Records
Collection includes, leaflets, fact sheets, printed correspondence; correspondents include Lynne Shivers; includes information on the International Seminars on Training for Nonviolent Action (Waltham, Mass.).
North Andover People for Peace Collected Records
Collection includes, leaflets, minutes of meetings, printed correspondence.
Nuclear Age Peace Foundation Collected Records
Collection includes printed correspondence, flyers, newsletters, booklets.
Nuclear Free America Collected Records
Collection includes printed correspondence, flyers, newsletter.
Nuclear Weapons Facilities Task Force Collected Records
Collection includes printed correspondence, flyers, newsletters, memos, booklets. Correspondents include Sam Day, Mike Jendrzejczyk and Pam Solo. This collection includes material about the Rocky Flats/Nuclear Weapons Facilities Project and other Rocky Flats related material.