Showing Collections: 131 - 140 of 222
Milwaukee 14 Collected Records
Collection includes printed statements, correspondence, leaflets, and newsletters, about the arrest, incarceration and legal defense of the Milwaukee 14. Correspondents include James H. Forest, James Harney.
Minute Women for Peace Collected Records
Mobilization for Survival Collected Records
A.J. Muste Papers
George Nasmyth and Florence Nasmyth Papers
George W. Nasmyth was educated at Cornell, Berlin, Gottingen, Heidelburg and Zurich. He dedicate his life to the cause of international understanding and peace. In 1919, he attended the Paris Peace Conference, and to organize the first meeting since the outbreak of the war of the World Alliance for Friendship Through the Churches. He died of a typhus infection at the age of 39, on September 20, 1920. Florence Nasmyth was a writer on peace issues.
National Action Group Collected Records
National Conference on Peacemaking and Conflict Resolution Collected Records
This collection is primarily printed materials, including preliminary programs and reports of conferences issued by the National Conference on Peacemaking and Conflict Resolution. No material is available from the Network of Communities for Peacemaking and Conflict Resolution.
National Conference on World Disarmament and Development Collected Records
National Coordinating Committee to End the War in Vietnam Collected Records
National Council for Prevention of War Records
The National Council for Prevention of War (NCPW) was directed by J. Frederick Libby for many years; it lobbied Congress and created educational peace material, among other activities and campaigns.