Showing Collections: 41 - 50 of 394
Campaign Against Arms Trade Collected Records
The collection consists of flyers, fact sheets, and background papers.
Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament Collected Records
Includes pamphlets, leaflets, and periodicals.
Cartel international de la paix Collected Records
Publicity materials and constitution.
Catholic Association for International Peace Collected Records
Catholic Peace Fellowship Collected Records
The Catholic Peace Fellowship is a body founded in 1964 and still active today that defined itself as "An Educational Service Conducted by Catholic Members of the Fellowship of Reconciliation."
Center for Economic Conversion Records
The Center for Economic Conversion was a nonprofit organization which promoted the conversion of the military-based U.S. economy to a civilian-based, peace-oriented, and environmentally sustainable one. It was founded in 1975 as a project of the American Friends Service Committee. CEC was a leading advocate for using military base conversion as a tool to foster sustainable development.
Central American Historical Institute Records
Primarily reference files on Central America in the 1980s; most material is about El Salvador, Guatemala and Nicaragua; in English and Spanish.
Central American Sanctuary Alliance Collected Records
Collection includes correspondence, financial records, leaflets and flyers, newsletters, newspaper clippings, and photographs.
Central Organisation for a Durable Peace Collected Records
Centre Syndical d'Action contre la Guerre Collected Records
Flyer, handbill, periodical, and publicity postcards.