Showing Collections: 111 - 120 of 1089
Carlisle Monthly Meeting Records
Helen M. Carroll Papers
Helen Carroll's files related to her peace and social concerns, including some material on Swarthmore borough (inc Swarthmore U. N Committee), the PYM U. N.committee, and other Quaker-related papers.
"Philadelphia Quaker Philanthropists: Ann and George Williams"
Joseph C. Carter's manuscript, entitled "Philadelphia Quaker Philanthropists: Ann and George Williams," provides a brief biography of, and genealogical information for, Ann Trimble Williams and George Williams, and their involvement in early Philadelphia philanthropic societies, including the Magdalen Society.
Mary G. Cary and John R. Cary papers
This collection includes letters, documents, and photographs of 18th, 19th, and early 20th century family members mostly of the Quaker Cary, Cope, Elkinton, Gilpin, Newlin, Stokes, and Waln families.
Stephen G. Cary collection
This collection contains the personal materials of Stephen G. Cary and historical materials collected by Cary about his relatives.
Stephen Cary student materials
Catawissa Monthly Meeting Records
Records, all pre-Separation, include: minutes of the men's meeting, 1796-1808; women's meeting minutes, 1796-1808; marriage certificates, 1796-1802; index of removals issued, 1797-1808. Record of births and deaths at Catawissa contained in the book of births and deaths for Roaring Creek Monthly Meeting, 1790-1901.
Central American Sanctuary Alliance Collected Records
Collection includes correspondence, financial records, leaflets and flyers, newsletters, newspaper clippings, and photographs.
Central Employment Association (Philadelphia, Pa.) Records
The Central Employment Association, a women's charity, was established circa 1840 in Philadelphia by Hicksite Quakers as the Northern Female Association for the Relief of the Sick and Infirm Poor. The collection contains the charter and by-laws, work and financial records, and correspondence, 1840-1942.
Central Philadelphia Monthly Meeting (1956- ) Records
Records of Central Philadelphia Monthly Meeting of Friends, 1926-91. Includes minutes, 1956-89, and records of the Race Street Forum Committee.