Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 10
Thomas Evans papers
Frankford Monthly Meeting Records
Records of the Orthodox branch of Frankford Monthly Meeting, 1788-1987, include: vital records, 1788-2005; men’s minutes, 1816-2005; women’s minutes, 1816-1915; ministers’ and elders’ minutes, 1816-1970; financial records, 1831-1934; overseers’ records, 1904-1990s; school committee records, 1840s-1999.
Germantown Monthly Meeting Records
Newbold-Fox Family Papers
Philadelphia Monthly Meeting, Northern District (1772-1914) Records
Records of Philadelphia Monthly Meeting for the Northern District include: vital records 1754-1914; men’s and joint meeting minutes, 1772-1914; women's minutes, 1772-1914; financial records 1797-1966; property records 1684-1914; committee records 1821-1914; miscellaneous, 1772-1914.
Philadelphia Monthly Meeting, Southern District (1772-1872) Records
Records of Philadelphia Monthly Meeting for the Southern District include: births, 1733-1872; deaths, 1773-1872; marriages, 1773-1872; membership, 1773-1855; removals, 1773-1872; men’s and joint meeting minutes, 1772-1872; women's minutes, 1772-1872; miscellaneous, 1771-1872.
Philadelphia Monthly Meeting, Western District (1814-1956) Records
Philadelphia Preparative Meeting, Northern District (1772-1914) Records
Records of the Preparative Meeting of Friends of Philadelphia for the Northern District (Orthodox) include: women's minutes, 1813-1825.
Philadelphia Preparative Meeting (Pre-Separation and Orthodox, 1682-1907) Records
Records of the Preparative Meeting of Friends of Philadelphia (Orthodox) include: men’s minutes, 1817-1907; women's minutes, 1806-1917; ministers & elders minutes, 1796-1974; miscellaneous papers, 1918-1935.
Philadelphia Preparative Meeting, Western District (1814-1907) Records
Records of the Preparative Meeting of Friends of Philadelphia for the Western District (Orthodox) include: women's minutes, 1856-1867.