Showing Collections: 131 - 140 of 278
Lavinia Lloyd Knight Papers
Lavinia Lloyd Knight (1816-1863) was a Quaker, of Wilmington, Delaware. The collection contains corresondence with Knight's sister, Elizabeth Knorr Knight (1814-1841), lesson book and journal kept as student (1830-1832) of Eli Hilles (1783-1863), essays, poems, biographical material, and other papers.
Ladies Art Association (New York, N.Y.)
The Ladies Art Association was founded in New York City in 1867, and its members were involved in studio art and art education. Many of its members and officers were Quakers. The collection contains the Association's constitution, publicity materials, correspondence (1887-1914), and other records.
Ladies Benevolent Association of New Brighton (Pa.)
Mary Shackleton Leadbeater diary
Mary Shackleton Leadbeater was an Irish Quaker poet and author. Her diary was written for Sarah Dillwyn, and entitled "A Tour Through the Northern Part of England." Entries describe Leadbeater's arrival in Dublin, her voyage to England, including a description of the ship and passengers, her arrival in Liverpool, and her travels to see various Friends throughout London and Northern England.
Mary Shakleton Leadbeater manuscripts
This collection is comprised of a number of handwritten manuscript works by Mary Shakleton Leadbeater.
Lewis-Fussell Family Papers
Frederick J. and Faith Ward Libby Papers
Frederick J. Libby (1874-1970) was a pacifist, writer, speaker and fundraiser. He was the founder of the National Council for Prevention of War, 1921-1970. Faith Ward Libby (1902-1984) was also a peace activist and member of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom. The two married in 1932. This collection contains their personal correspondence.
Lippincott-Dillwyn papers
This collection includes a daily journal and spiritual essays by William Lippincott and extracts on theological themes by George Dillwyn. Also included is the copy book of Edward Randolph, dated 1822, and a bound manuscript entitled The Experiences of Margret Bispham, of Mount Holly, 1769. This manuscript reflects the influence of Quakerism and spirituality on the choices of an 18th century Quaker woman.
Elizabeth R. Lippincott (Elizabeth Roberts) Family Papers
Elizabeth Roberts Lippincott (1888-1979) was a Quaker genealogist from Moorestown, New Jersey. The collection contains chiefly genealogical and card files relating to the Lippincott, Shinn, Thorne, and related Quaker families of Moorestown and elsewhere, together with correspondence, journals, and essays, and collected materials relating to Quaker history, particularly various Friends Meetings and Moorestown Friends School.
Elizabeth Lloyd collection
This collection contains a handwritten bound copy of "An Appeal for the Bond-Woman" by Elizabeth Lloyd.