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Showing Collections: 171 - 180 of 278

"Growing Up Quaker"

Identifier: HC.MC-975-07-072
Abstract Katherine Paxson's family history/memoir, entitled "Growing Up Quaker," includes vignettes describing various events in Paxson's life, which she recorded to pass on to her family members. Includes biographical entries for her grandfathers, Isaac H. Thompson and Thomas E. Anderson; her grandmothers, Anne W. Hutton Thompson and Nancy Almina Anderson; her father, I. Walter Thompson; and her sister, Ruth Thompson Davidson. Vignettes describe Paxson's "Early Years," "Summer Days," "Twelfth Street...
Dates: Undated.

Katherine T. Paxson journals

Identifier: HC.MC-975-01-054

Katherine T. Paxson was a Quaker author and poet. Journal entries describe Quaker meetings, prayers and religious reflection, attendance at writing conferences and workshops, as well as visits with family and friends, and daily housework.

Dates: 1971-1995

Rebecca Peirce commonplace book

Identifier: HC.MC-975-03-028

The commonplace book of Rebecca Peirce includes excerpts of letters on friendship, prayers, extracts from the writing of William Grover, extracts of a letter from Samuel Fothergill, and extracts from Sherwood's "Lady of the Manor."

Dates: 1824

Penn Sewing School records

Identifier: SFHL-RG4-056

Penn Sewing School was founded in 1868 as the Friends Sewing School. The name was changed in 1871 and classes suspended in 1899. The collection contains minute books (1876-1906), charter, history, printed report, and other papers.

Dates: 1868 - 1906

"An Abstract from the Life of Mary Pennington, formerly Springett"

Identifier: HC.MC-975-07-076

Mary Pennington's autobiographical manuscript includes descriptions of her early life, the events leading up to her convincement (conversion to Quakerism), her attendance at Quaker meetings, a description of her marriage and her husband (Isaac Pennington), a description of her husband's family (particularly his mother), a description of a battle at London between "Parliment and the King" at Houndslow-heath, and a description of the English Civil War and upheaval it caused.

Dates: Undated.

Lora A. Perkins signature album

Identifier: HC.MC-975-05-007

The signature album of Lora A. Perkins includes signatures accompanied by inscriptions, quotes, and small sketches. Signers include F.P. Woodbury, Wesley K. Bell, John G. Whittier, Etta Peters, Lovina W. Averill, George Jackson, John P. Loving, Jennie M. Cook, and A. Marie Dearborn.

Dates: 1875-1876

Philadelphia Quaker Women

Identifier: SFHL-RG4-057

Philadelphia Quaker Women was a organization, informal in structure and membership, which worked with the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends to address the concerns of women. It was laid down in 1970. This collection contains minutes, financial reports, correspondence, and miscellaneous material, 1961-1971.

Dates: 1961-1971

Mary Elizabeth Pidgeon Family Papers

Identifier: SFHL-RG5-123
Abstract Mary Elizabeth Pidgeon (1890-1979) was born into an extended Quaker family who lived for generations in Clarke and Loudon counties, Virginia. She moved beyond the Virginia Quaker community to a career in the women's movement, first as a campaigner for women's suffrage (1917-1920), then as an educator and political activist in Virginia (1920-1928) and finally as a research economist for the Women's Bureau of the U.S. Department of Labor (1928-1956). During her retirement years, Pidgeon became...
Dates: 1769-1979[bulk 1905-1979]

Mary Elizabeth Pidgeon Schlesinger Library Papers

Identifier: SFHL-RG5-124
Abstract Mary Elizabeth Pidgeon (1890-1979) was born into an extended Quaker family who lived for generations in Clarke and Loudon counties, Virginia. She moved beyond the Virginia Quaker community to a career in the women's movement, first as a campaigner for women's suffrage (1917-1920), then as an educator and political activist in Virginia (1920-1928) and finally as a research economist for the Women's Bureau of the U.S. Department of Labor (1928-1956). During her retirement years, Pidgeon became...
Dates: 1906-1979

Pike family papers

Identifier: HC.MC-950-149

Collection contains letters, memorials, commonplace books, and miscellaneous items of the Pike family, especially Sarah Pike, and letters of Thomas Scattergood to his son, Alfred Scattergood.

Dates: 1769-1902

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  • Subject: Quaker women X

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Haverford College Quaker & Special Collections 150
Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College 107
Swarthmore College Peace Collection 21
Quaker women 141
Quakers -- History 103
Quakers 82
diaries 56
commonplace books 43
∨ more
Quaker women -- United States 42
Quakers -- Diaries 41
Quakers -- Pennsylvania 33
Poetry 30
Quakers -- Social life and customs 29
correspondence 27
Lay ministry -- Society of Friends 19
manuscripts (documents) 18
Quaker women -- Pennsylvania 16
Quakers -- Travel 16
Women and religion 16
Quaker women -- United States -- History -- Sources 13
Quakers -- Family relationships 13
Literature 11
Quakers -- New York (State) 11
Quakers -- Societies, etc. 11
letters (correspondence) 11
Quaker women -- Diaries 10
Quakers -- Education 10
Women and peace -- History -- Sources 10
clippings (information artifacts) 10
travel literature 10
Pacifists -- United States -- History -- Sources 9
Quakers -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia 9
Society of Friends -- Charities 9
Women clergy -- United States -- Diaries 9
Charities -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia 8
Quakers -- Great Britain 8
Quakers -- Pennsylvania -- Social life and customs 8
Society of Friends -- Charities -- Records and correspondence 8
Women and peace 8
Motherhood -- United States -- History 7
Quaker women ministers 7
Quakers -- 19th century -- Diaries 7
Quakers -- New Jersey 7
Quakers -- Social service 7
Society of Friends -- Hicksite separation 7
Women in charitable work -- Pennsylvania 7
autobiographies (documents) 7
family papers 7
Pennsylvania -- History -- Sources 6
Philadelphia (Pa.) 6
Quaker social reformers 6
Quaker women -- 19th century -- Correspondence 6
Quaker women -- 20th century 6
Quaker women -- History -- Sources 6
Quakers -- 20th century -- Diaries 6
Quakers -- United States 6
Social service -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia 6
Universities and colleges -- Pennsylvania -- Swarthmore 6
Women travelers 6
autograph albums 6
financial records 6
Abolitionists 5
American poetry 5
Peace -- Religious aspects -- Society of Friends 5
Poor -- Services for -- Pennsylvania 5
Quaker authors 5
Quaker philanthropists 5
Quaker women -- Education 5
Quaker women -- New Jersey 5
Quaker women -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia 5
Quakers -- New York (State) -- New York 5
Quakers -- United States -- History -- Sources 5
Quakers -- Virginia 5
Society of Friends -- Clergy 5
Society of Friends -- Education 5
Society of Friends -- War relief and reconstruction 5
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 5
Universities and colleges -- Pennsylvania 5
Wills 5
account books 5
deeds 5
genealogies (histories) 5
marriage certificates 5
photographs 5
scrapbooks 5
Antislavery movements -- United States 4
Child rearing -- Religious aspects -- Society of Friends 4
Diaries 4
Education -- Pennsylvania 4
Haverford (Pa.) 4
Peace movements -- United States -- History -- Sources 4
Philadelphia (Pa.) -- History -- Sources 4
Quaker abolitionists 4
Quaker businesspeople 4
Quaker women -- Charities 4
Quaker women -- History -- 20th century 4
Quaker women -- United States -- Diaries 4
Quakers -- Ireland 4
Sick -- Services for -- Pennsylvania 4
Society of Friends -- Clergy -- Diaries 4
Society of Friends -- International assistance -- Germany 4
Suffragists -- United States -- History -- Sources 4
Virginia -- History -- Sources 4
+ ∧ less
English 277
French 1
American Friends Service Committee 12
Swarthmore College 7
Westtown Boarding School 7
Haverford College 6
Pendle Hill (School: Wallingford, Pa.) 5
∨ more
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends Library 5
Whittier, John Greenleaf, 1807-1892 5
Garrison, William Lloyd, 1805-1879 4
Hull, Hannah Clothier, 1872-1958 4
Mott, Lucretia, 1793-1880 4
Scattergood, Thomas, 1748-1814 4
Brown, Moses, 1738-1836 3
Gurney, Joseph John, 1788-1847 3
Hicks, Elias, 1748-1830 3
Howland family 3
Muste, Abraham John, 1885-1967 3
Philadelphia Quaker Women (Organization) 3
Schofield Normal and Industrial School (Aiken, S.C.) 3
Schofield, Martha 3
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom. International Office 3
Woolman, John, 1720-1772 3
Addams, Jane, 1860-1935 2
Anthony, Susan B. (Susan Brownell) 2
Baer, Gertrude 2
Balch, Emily Greene, 1867-1961 2
Ballantyne, Edith 2
Bean, Joel, 1825-1914 2
Benezet, Anthony 2
Bond, Elizabeth Powell, 1841-1926 2
Boulding, Elise 2
Brinton, Ellen Starr, 1886-1954 2
Burritt, Elihu, 1810-1879 2
Bye, Mary, 1913- 2
Cadbury, Emma, 1875-1965 2
Dugdale, Joseph A., 1810-1896 2
Emlen, Samuel 2
Emlen, Sarah Foulke Farquhar (Sarah Foulke Farquhar Emlen), 1787-1849 2
Female Association of Philadelphia for the Relief of the Sick and Infirm Poor with Clothing 2
Fothergill, Samuel 2
Friends General Conference (U.S.) 2
Friends Instruction Association (Philadelphia, Pa.) 2
Fry, A. Ruth (Anna Ruth), 1878-1962 2
Gibbons, Abby Hopper, 1801-1893 2
Haines, Mary R. (Mary Rhoads) 2
Hanaford, Phebe A. (Phebe Ann), 1829-1921 2
Harvard University 2
Holcombe, Hadassah M. L. (Hadassah Moore Leeds), 1891-1878 2
Howland, Emily, 1827-1929 2
Hunn family 2
Kersey, Jesse, 1768-1845 2
Kite, Mary, 1793?-1861 2
Leadbeater, Mary 2
Libby, Faith Ward, 1902- 2
Lippincott family 2
Lloyd family 2
Lloyd, Mary Ann 2
Lloyd, Susan H. 2
Mary Elizabeth Pidgeon (1890-1979) 2
Mead, Lucia True Ames, 1856-1936 2
Moore family 2
Morris, Margaret Hill 2
Mott, James, 1788-1868 2
New England Yearly Meeting of Friends 2
New York Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends 2
Paxson, Katherine Thompson 2
Pemberton, James, 1723-1809 2
Penn Sewing School (Philadelphia, Pa.) 2
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of Friends (Orthodox : 1827-1955) 2
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends. Indian Committee 2
Phillips, Wendell, 1811-1884 2
Regen, Rosalie 2
Reynolds, Barbara (Barbara Leonard) 2
Rhoads, Sarah Wistar, 1839-1920 2
Sharpless family 2
Sherwood Select School (Sherwood, N.Y.) 2
Shinn family 2
Shoemaker family 2
Smiley, Sarah Frances 2
Society of Friends 2
Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, 1815-1902 2
Swarthmore College. Peace Collection 2
Taylor family 2
Taylor, Elizabeth Shoemaker 2
Thorne family 2
Tierney, Agnes L. ((Agnes Leo)), 1868-1947 2
Trueblood, Benjamin Franklin, 1847-1916 2
Valentino, Carmen 2
Walton, Margaretta, 1829-1904 2
Warner, Mary E. 2
West, Benjamin, 1738-1820 2
Wilbur, John, 1774-1856 2
Wilson, Rachel, 1720-1775 2
Wistar, Esther Fisher Smith 2
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom. U.S. Section 2
Wood, M. S. (Mary Sutton), 1805-1894 2
Adede, Rose 1
Albright, William A. 1
Alcott, Louisa May, 1832-1888 1
Alexander, Horace Gundry, 1889-1989 1
All American Friends Conference (1929 : Oskaloosa, Iowa) 1
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