Showing Collections: 21 - 30 of 72
Dorothy Detzer Papers
Dorothy Detzer was a peace activist, writer, and lobbyist. She served as the National Executive Secretary of the U.S. Section of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, 1924-1946.. Detzer influenced a Congressional investigation of the munitions industry, 1934-1936, and later wrote the book Appointment on the Hill, 1948, describing her two decades in Washington, D.C.
Edward W. Evans Quaker Concerns Papers
Ross Flanagan Papers
Ross Flanagan (1934- ), is Quaker pacifist and activist, has been involved in many Quaker-sponsored projects, peace, and civil rights activities. In the 1950s he served on the staff of the American Friends Service Committee. He was an early protestor against the Vietnam war and worked with A Quaker Action Group in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. In the 1970s Flanagan was involved in neighborhood revitalization projects in West Philadelphia.
Friends Committee on National Legislation Records
A Quaker lobbying group established in 1943 to bring conscience and spiritual values to the political process in Washington; it grew out of the work of the Friends War Problems Committee in 1940.
Friends Girls' School, Tokyo letter
This collection contains a copy of a letter written to the Friends Girls' School in Tokyo from the American Friends Service Committee.
Friends Meeting for Sufferings of Vietnamese Children Records
The Friends Meeting for Sufferings of Vietnamese Children was founded in 1966, to bring injured and orphaned Vietnamese and Amerasian children to the United States for medical treatment. Some children were placed in foster homes or were permanent adopted. The organizers worked in cooperation with Welcome House in Doylestown, Pennsylvania, and with other organizations. The group disbanded in October 1969.
Friends World Committee on Consultation records
Three separate sets of records of Friends World Conferences, the first through the third, dated 1926-1952.
Elizabeth A.W. Furnas Papers
Elizabeth A.W. (Betty) Furnas was an active member of the Society of Friends who served as a member of the Board of Pendle Hill and was a member of the Women's Problems Group of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting and its sucessor, Philadelphia Quaker Women. The collection includes minutes and correspondence, particularly of the latter, as well as published and unpublished writings and other material.
Nelson Fuson Family Papers
Robert Wallace Gilmore Papers
Robert W. Gilmore was a Quaker pacifist who was involved in a number of peace groups, either as a staffperson or as a Board member. His papers reflect these involvements through correspondence and other materials.