Showing Collections: 21 - 30 of 811
"Hole in the Wall"
This collection is comprised of the single volume, anonymously written manuscript, entitled, "Hole in the Wall."
"War Unlawful to Christians"
This anonymous manuscript, entitled "War Unlawful to Christians," argues for pacifism, citing biblical and historical evidence that war is inherently evil, and as such, is a product of the devil.
"Some Account of William Penn's Birth, Education, and Death"
The anonymous manuscript "Some Account of William Penn's Birth, Education, and Death, Also: Some Account of his travels in the work of the ministry in some parts of Germany and Holland, etc.," is organized chronologically, and after providing initial biographical information about William Penn, provides brief descriptions of important events in Penn's life, organized by year.
Anonymous commonplace books
This collection is comprised of seven volumes of anonymous commonplace books. The commonplace books tend to include poetry and religious extracts.
Anonymous journal
Diary entries describe attendance at Quaker meetings, testimonies of community members in meeting, attendance at funerals, and religious reflection. The section beginning in 1805 seems to be in a different handwriting, though it is unknown whose handwriting it might be.
Anonymous papers
This collection is comprised of small, anonymous quaker manuscript collections.
Anonymous recipe book
Anonymous religious notebook
This collection is comprised of the single volume notebook of an anonymous Quaker. The notebook includes discussions of religious doctrines, scriptures, and religious topics like, atonement, and the trinity.
Anonymous scrapbooks
This collection is comprised of five volumes of anonymous scrapbooks from the Quaker Collection.
“An Account of all the Yearly, Quarterly, Monthly and Particular Meetings of the Friends of America, 1772”
This anonymously written volume provides a list of every meeting held in Colonial United States in 1772. Entries include the locations and dates of the yearly and quarterly meetings, and each entry for a monthly meeting includes a list of the particular meetings belonging to that monthly meeting. Meetings for Rhode Island, New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Maryland. The volume includes an index for the meetings at the back.