Showing Collections: 1 - 9 of 9
Peter Andrews journal
Journal kept during Andrews's travels in England during the years 1755 and 1756. Entries describe his voyage from Philadelphia to Newcastle, including the weather, fellow passengers, and Quaker meetings held on board. Upon Andrews’s arrival in England, entries describe visits to fellow Quakers, Quaker meetings, and discussions of the state of the Society of Friends in England.
George Churchman diaries
Churchman frequently traveled throughout the Mid-Atlantic and New England regions, and thus many of his diary entries describe his travels to visit various meetings and Quaker families from Pennsylvania to as far north as Massachusetts. Entries describe meetings attended and families visited in the various towns and cities that Churchman traveled to, as well as family news, and marriages and deaths within the Quaker community.
Rowland Greene journals
Rowland Greene was a Quaker minister from Rhode Island. His diary entries focus largely on religious visits Greene made throughout New England, as well as Quaker meetings he attended, social calls, family news, deaths within the Quaker community, and passages of religious reflection.
William Jackson journal
William Jackson's diary of his religious visit to England and Ireland. Diary entries detail the preparations required to make the journey, as well as details about the voyage itself. Upon his arrival in Ireland, entries describe attendance at Quaker Meetings, visits with Friends, and descriptions of the various Friends who hosted Jackson during his time abroad.
Robert Lindsey journal
Journal of Robert Lindsey's trip to visit Friends in Iowa. Entries describe the journey, including descriptions of the weather, travel by horse and wagon over the prairies, the dangerous crossing of the frozen Mississippi River, the history of the Quakers in Iowa, Quaker Meetings attended, and visits to various Iowa Quaker families.
Anne Moore journal
Anne Moore was a Quaker minister from 1738 to 1783. Journal entries detail her travels as a Quaker minister to Maryland, Pennsylvania, New York, parts of New England, and England. Entries also provide descriptions of Quaker meetings, visits from Friends, and Moore’s reflections on religion and advice for her children.
Elizabeth Hudson Morris diary
Elizabeth Hudson Morris was a Quaker minister who traveled through the United States, Ireland, and Scotland. Diary entries describe Elizabeth’s travel as a Quaker minister throughout the British colonies in North America, as well as Ireland and Scotland, and Quaker meetings. Copied versions of letters from Jane Hoskins are also included in the volume.
William Savery diaries
William Savery's diaries. The majority of the first volume concerns the Treaty at Canandaigua, and the remaining volumes are accounts of religious visits Savery made throughout Europe. Entries generally describe details of travel between destinations, Quaker meetings attended, Quaker families visited, and descriptions of each location's culture, food, language, style of dress, and form of local government.
Elizabeth Webb diary
Diary of Elizabeth Webb's religious visit to the American Colonies. Diary entries describe Webb's voyage from England to Virginia, and her travels to Quaker meetings as far south as North Carolina and as far north as New Hampshire. Entries include references to places visited, especially meetings in Maryland, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, and Rhode Island, as well as religious reflection and details about the difficulty of overland travel.