Showing Collections: 501 - 510 of 520
E. Raymond Wilson Papers
Wing family papers
Winston-Clark Family papers
Approximately 500 letters (also a few clippings, poems and other items) of the related Clark and Winston families of Virginia and Indiana. Letters discuss family and friends, the small schools that many members of these families began in the Midwest, as well as comments on politics, slavery, religion, education, the Civil War and friends/family fighting in the Confederate army, and other topics.
Thomas Wistar journals
Thomas Wistar's journal entries largely describe his work as an Indian Commissioner, including visits to Washington D.C., the Seneca Nation, the Wichita Indian Agency, and other Native American Reservations. In addition to his work as a commissioner, entries detail social calls with family and friends, descriptions of Quaker meetings, and religious reflection and prayers.
Adelaide Hallock Wood family papers
The collection contains materials which descended in the family of Daniel Wood (1729-1773), Quakers of Bristol, Massachusetts, and New York State. It includes family bibles with annotations, an essay book kept by Adelaide Hallock Wood when a student at the Oakwood School, genealogical research on the Wood and Hallock families, transcripts, notes, and a small number of family photographs.
Carolena M. Wood papers
The collection contains correspondence concerning Quaker organizations, obituary and memorial notices, and papers which reflect Carolena Wood's participation in Quaker organizations. A letter from John Nicholson describes Friends work with the Seneca Indians, 1900.
Wood Family Papers
The Wood Family Papers contains papers from a Quaker family active in 19th century New York City Friends affairs, compiled by M. S. (Mary Sutton) Wood. Included are business correspondence concerning the printing house founded by Samuel Wood and his sons, correspondence from prominent Friends concerning work for social causes including abolition, freedmen, prisoners, First Day schools, and peace, and genealogical material, writings, and reminiscences by Mary S. Wood.
L. Hollingsworth Wood correspondence
Richard Reeve Wood and Nancy Morris Wood family papers
This collection contains the materials of several generations of Quaker families in the United States. Prominently featured are Richard Reeve Wood and Nancy Morris Wood; Edward S. Wood, Richard's father; and Alexander Cooper and Mary Emma Stokes Wood, Richard's grandfather and grandmother. Richard attended several sessions of the League of Nations and participated in meetings leading to the formation of the United Nations in 1945.
New York Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Orthodox : 1828-1955), Representative Meeting session concerning Luke Woodard
This collection contains correspondence and notes concerning the special session of New York Yearly Meeting, Representative Meeting, held 4 mo. 28, 1881.