Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 55
Abington Friends School (Abington, Pa.) Account book
Abington Friends School was established by Abington Monthly Meeting in the latter part of the eighteenth century as a day school. The account book covers the period 1828-1842. Pupil's names are given with the status of their payments, etc.
Ackworth School, England records
Ackworth School was founded in 1779 as a co-educational boarding school for Quaker children by Dr. John Fothergill and other Quakers. It is located in West Workshire, England. It was intended to be a board school for children whose parents were not rich. This collection is comprised of four volumes, one of which is a transcription of one of the other volumes. They all relate to the rules and regulations for the Ackworth School in England.
Association of Friends Schools Executive Committee minutes
Contains the minutes of the Executive Committee of the Association of Friends School. Inserted into the volume are the constitution, conference programs, and some reports.
Atlantic City Friends Collected Records
Bristol Friends' School Minutes
This collection contains one minute book from the Bristol Friends' School for Girls and Boys, in Bristol, Bucks County, Pennsylvania.
Byberry School Association Records
The Byberry School Association was formed in 1837 by several members of the Society of Friends, mostly members of Byberry Monthly Meeting (Hicksite) for the purpose of raising stock to buy land and erect a secondary school in Byberry, Pennsylvania. It includes minutes, financial records, and some miscellaneous papers.
Deptford Free School Society
The Deptford Free School Society was a Quaker organization which established and operated the Deptford Free School in Woodbury, New Jersey. The collection includes minutes, 1774-1893.