Showing Collections: 31 - 40 of 41
Rahway and Plainfield Monthly Meeting account of the Separation
The collection contains two detailed draft manuscript reports of the events and proceedings in Rahway and Plainfield Monthly Meeting and the Quarterly Meeting with attention to property and control of the records.
Lawrence Scott Papers
Lawrence Scott was a construction engineer, Baptist clergyman, and Quaker activist. He worked as an activist against the testing of nuclear weapons and biological weapons research. He was the supervisor for the Friends Mississippi Project, project director of the Appeal and Vigil at Fort Detrick in Maryland, executive secretary of the Peace Action Center and a founder of A Quaker Action Group.
C. Marshall (Caleb Marshall) Taylor, Trends amongst Friends questionnaires
This collection contains the completed questionnaires and related correspondence which were the basis for C. Marshall Taylor's Trends amongst Friends : Study which was made as a result of a questionnaire sent to pastors of Friends churches in U.S.A. The study was made independently by Taylor to survey the reaction of Friends pastors concerning the possibility of unification of all American Friends.
Theodore Brinton Hetzel Collection
Theodore Brinton Hetzel was a semi-professional photojournalist and took many photographs of peace and anti-war activities in the Philadelphia area and in Washington, D.C. from the late 1950s through the mid 1970s.
Edward Thomas and Margaret Loring Thomas Collected Papers
Edward Thomas was a chemist and chemical patent lawyer in New York City. His wife Margaret Loring Thomas had been active in settlement work and a teacher of home economics before marriage. Both were activist, pacifist Quakers.
Trenton Friends Association Records
The Trenton Friends Association was formed in 1892 in Trenton, New Jersey, to promote “a thorough knowledge of the history and testimonies of the Society of Friends.” Meetings were held monthly, except in the summer, in the Trenton Friends meeting house. Papers were presented on a variety of topics. The collection contains minutes, constitution and bylaws, and manuscripts of papers read at meetings.
Vipont-Brown-Crowley Family Papers
The Vipont, Brown, and Crowley families were active Quakers in England and were particularly involved in Mount Street Monthly Meeting.