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Showing Collections: 21 - 30 of 43

Elizabeth Nicholson manuscripts

Identifier: HC.MC-975-07-107

These unpublished poems of John G. Whittier were compiled by Elizabeth Nicholson and Sarah Lloyd. The volumes include copies of many of John Greenleaf Whittier's early poems, as well as poetry by other poets, and sketches and illustrations.

Dates: 1839-1843

Rebecca Peirce commonplace book

Identifier: HC.MC-975-03-028

The commonplace book of Rebecca Peirce includes excerpts of letters on friendship, prayers, extracts from the writing of William Grover, extracts of a letter from Samuel Fothergill, and extracts from Sherwood's "Lady of the Manor."

Dates: 1824

Pike family papers

Identifier: HC.MC-950-149

Collection contains letters, memorials, commonplace books, and miscellaneous items of the Pike family, especially Sarah Pike, and letters of Thomas Scattergood to his son, Alfred Scattergood.

Dates: 1769-1902

Annie Pim commonplace book

Identifier: HC.MC-975-03-029

The commonplace book of Annie Pim Cope, a Quaker, includes poetry and extracts of literature and correspondence, mainly religious in nature.

Dates: 1857-1864

Anna McCollin Potts commonplace book

Identifier: HC.MC-975-03-056

The commonplace book of Anna McCollin Potts includes illustrations and poetry concerning friendship, nature, and religion.

Dates: 1852-1876

Sarah Wistar Rhoads family papers

Identifier: HC.MC-1211
Abstract The Sarah Wistar Rhoads family papers indicate strong relationships and family ties that spanned the 19th and 20th centuries. Sarah Wistar Rhoads (1839-1920) married William Gibbons Rhoads (1838-1880) on November 28, 1866. At that time, the Rhoads, Gibbons and Wistar families began corresponding, the result being an outstanding collection illustrating family support, friendship and love. These papers include correspondence, financial records, diaries and journals, memorabilia, classwork and...
Dates: Bulk, 1824-1930 1824-1963; Majority of material found within 1824 - 1930

Anne Eliza Rodman commonplace book

Identifier: HC.MC-975-03-030

The commonplace book of Anne Eliza Rodman includes poetry and quotations, largely religious or historical in nature.

Dates: 1823

Sallie Satterthwaite commonplace book

Identifier: HC.MC-975-03-031

The commonplace book of Sallie Satterthwaite includes excerpts of poetry and prose, a copy of a "marriage letter," and a description of Girl's School Room at Westtown.

Dates: Undated.

Rachel Scattergood commonplace books

Identifier: HC.MC-975-03-032

The commonplace books of Rachel Scattergood include extracts of poetry, prose, correspondence, and quotations.

Dates: 1856-1894

Rebecca Sharpless commonplace book

Identifier: HC.MC-975-03-034

The commonplace book of Rebecca Sharpless includes excerpts of poetry and quotations from various Quaker women, including Mary Cresson Emlen, Hannah Scattergood, Jane Cope, Mary E. Scattergood, Lydia Fisher, and Beulah Morris.

Dates: 1839-1845

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  • Subject: Quakers X
  • Subject: commonplace books X
  • Subject: Quaker women X

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Quakers -- History 41
Quaker women 39
Quakers 39
Poetry 26
Literature 11
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Scattergood, Thomas, 1748-1814 2
Allinson, Elizabeth 1
Allinson, Martha Cooper 1
Brooks, Erica May 1
Comfort, Elizabeth Cadwallader 1
∨ more
Conard, Rebecca 1
Conard, Sarah 1
Cope, Sarah Wistar 1
Dillwyn, Sarah 1
Elfreth, Jacob R. Jr., 1837-1924 1
Elfreth, Jacob R., Sr., 1789-1870 1
Elfreth, Jane P. 1
Elfreth, Rebecca P. 1
Fisher, Hannah Logan 1
Flowers, Mary 1
Gibbons, Hannah, d. 1868 1
Haines, Catherine 1
Haines, Deborah 1
Hartshorne, Caroline Cope Yarnall 1
Haverford College 1
Kite, Mary, 1793?-1861 1
Lloyd family 1
Lloyd, Mary Ann 1
Lloyd, Susan H. 1
Masters, Margaret Parvin 1
Moore, Milcah Martha 1
Morris family 1
Morris, Margaret Hill 1
Mott, Abigail Field 1
Newbold, Mary Ann 1
Nicholson, Elizabeth 1
Peirce, Rebecca 1
Pike family 1
Pike, Sarah 1
Pim, Annie 1
Potts, Anna McCollin 1
Potts, Ethel Rhoads, 1870-1962 1
Rhoads family 1
Rhoads, Anne Gibbons, 1809-1890 1
Rhoads, Edward, 1841-1871 1
Rhoads, Edward, 1873-1903 1
Rhoads, Jane Gibbons, 1870-1897 1
Rhoads, Jane Gibbons, d. 1860 1
Rhoads, Lydia Wistar, b. 1868 1
Rhoads, Samuel, 1806-1868 1
Rhoads, Samuel, b. 1878 1
Rhoads, Sarah Wistar, 1839-1920 1
Rhoads, William Gibbons, Jr., 1838-1880 1
Rhoads, William Gibbons, b. 1876 1
Rodman, Anne Eliza 1
Satterthwaite, Sallie 1
Scattergood, Alfred Garrett 1
Scattergood, Rachel 1
Sharpless, Rebecca 1
Shearman, Susan Hilles 1
Shoemaker, Margaret Wood 1
Stackhouse, Ann Matlack 1
Taylor, Elizabeth Shoemaker 1
Taylor, Sallie M. 1
Thomas, Phebe Clapp 1
Vernon, Hannah Milhous 1
Warner, Mary E. 1
Weston, Susanah 1
Westtown Boarding School 1
Wharton, Deborah Fisher, 1795-1888 1
Wheatley, Phillis, 1753-1784 1
White, Margaret 1
Whittier, John Greenleaf, 1807-1892 1
Wing, Asa S. (Asa Shove), 1850-1931 1
Wing, Sophia Rhoads, 1850-1901 1
Wistar, Esther Fisher Smith 1
Wood, M. S. (Mary Sutton), 1805-1894 1
Yarnall, Emma C. 1
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