Showing Collections: 171 - 180 of 302
Longstreth family correspondence
This collection is largely comprised of the correspondence of the Longstreth family.
Gilbert MacMaster papers
George Magee papers
The collection primarily consists of letters from Charles Sommer to Mr. and Mrs. George Magee, but also includes an award certificate and letter to Mrs. Magee from the Belgium Relief Committee.
Friends Historical Library Collection of miscellaneous manuscripts
Wilmer G. Mason papers
This collection is comprised of the correspondence and photocopies and reproductions of Quaker documents.
Matlack family commonplace books
The commonplace books of the Matlack family largely focus on Elias Hicks.
Caleb McComber correspondence
Media Friends School records
This collection is comprised of materials concerning appeals for funds and the admission of all qualified children regardless of race to Media Friends School in the late 1930s.
Joseph Mendenhall papers
The collection consists primarily of lively letters by Joseph Mendenhall, a Quaker bachelor, to his cousin. They are written from Lawrence, Kansas, between 1882 and 1903, on topics ranging from Quaker ministers, the possibility of less plainness in meetinghouses, and many details about episodes in his or others' lives.
Oliver Warren Meyers correspondence
This collection is comprised of the handwritten family correspondence of Oliver Warren Meyers. His letters describe his daily life and travels.