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Showing Collections: 221 - 230 of 302

Caleb Raper commonplace book

Identifier: HC.MC-975-03-051

The commonplace book of Caleb Raper is religious in nature, and contains copied bible verses, religious poetry, prayers, and letters. According to the notes on the first and last pages of the volume, the original commonplace book, written in Caleb Rapper's hand, was written in 1711. This volume was copied in 1747 by Raper's nephew, Richard Smith. There is also a single photocopy.

Dates: 1711

Deborah Rees African Papers

Identifier: SFHL-RG5-239
Abstract Emory J. and Deborah Gorman Rees were Quaker missionaries in South Africa 1899-1903 and participated in Friends African Industrial Mission (FAIM) in British East Africa (now Kenya) from 1903 to 1926. The collection contains primarily the correspondence of Deborah with her mother and sister, Sarah and Zoa Gorman. The letters begin in 1899 and continue through 1925, with breaks when the Reeses returned to the United States. Also included are stories, letters from Emory to his family, and...
Dates: 1899 - 1985

Rosalie Regen Papers

Identifier: SFHL-RG5-166
Abstract Rosalie Stork Regen (1909-1993) was a Quaker author and playwright who joined the Rahway and Plainfield Monthly Meeting in 1941. She was the daughter of Charles Wharton Stork and Elisabeth von Pausinger Stork. An active member of the Society of Friends, Rosalie taught First Day School and visited Quakers all over the world. The collection includes journals kept continuously from 1936 to the time of her death in 1993. She also maintained a prodigious correspondence with family and friends....
Dates: 1856-1993

Reinhardt, Hawley and Hewes family papers

Identifier: HC.MC-1216
Abstract The Reinhardt, Hawley, Hewes and Meredith families are tied together through marriage and their Quaker faith across multiple generations. William Dell Reinhardt, a University of Pennsylvania graduate and doctor, married Rebecca Hawley, a teacher. They had six children: Jesse Hawley Reinhardt, Mary Bailey Reinhardt, Esther Meredith Reinhardt, Lydia Ludwig Reinhardt, Elizabeth Christina Reinhardt, and David Jones Reinhardt. David Jones Reinhardt married Anna Margaret Hewes in 1896. These...
Dates: 1762-1955

Edward Rhoads correspondence

Identifier: HC.MC-950-155

Letters written to Edward Rhoads, a Quaker physician and Haverford College graduate. Letters writers include Edward Rhoads's parents (Samuel and Anne Gibbons Rhoads), Thomas Chase, Josiah Forster, Anna Harrison, Sophie and John Pease, Elisabeth and Henry Crosfield, William Pepper, M.A. and William Longstreth, James Carey Thomas, the Yarnall family, and others. The letters generally offer friendly regard.

Dates: 1865-1871

Esther B. Rhoads collection on Quakers in Japan

Identifier: HC.MC-950-156

This collection is comprised of three folders of materials related to Quakers in Japan, and specifically focuses on information about Anna C. Hartshorne, an American Quaker, and Inazo Nitobe, a Japanese Quaker, collected by Esther B. Rhoads.

Dates: 1897-1935

Rhoads-Evans-Garrett Family Papers

Identifier: HC.MC-1331

The William Evans Rhoads family papers collection contains letters, financial material, deeds, photographs, genealogical charts and more, related to William Evans Rhoads, his children, and his ancestors extending back to the early 1800s. William Evans Rhoads was a Quaker businessman living in Moorestown, New Jersey at the turn of the 20th century.

Dates: 1699-2011

Sarah Wistar Rhoads family papers

Identifier: HC.MC-1211
Abstract The Sarah Wistar Rhoads family papers indicate strong relationships and family ties that spanned the 19th and 20th centuries. Sarah Wistar Rhoads (1839-1920) married William Gibbons Rhoads (1838-1880) on November 28, 1866. At that time, the Rhoads, Gibbons and Wistar families began corresponding, the result being an outstanding collection illustrating family support, friendship and love. These papers include correspondence, financial records, diaries and journals, memorabilia, classwork and...
Dates: Bulk, 1824-1930 1824-1963; Majority of material found within 1824 - 1930

Rhoads & Wing letterbook

Identifier: HC.MC-975-02-031

This letterbook contains the correspondence between William G. Rhoads, Samuel Rhoads, and Asa Wing. The volume includes both personal and business correspondence.

Dates: 1868-1881

John Richards letterbooks

Identifier: HC.MC-975-02-016
Abstract Each volume of John Richards's letterbooks contains business correspondence related to his work as an Indian Agent in Kansas. All letters are written by John Richards, and the majority of letters are addressed to Enoch Hoag, the Superintendent of Indian Affairs. In addition to Enoch Hoag, correspondence in Richards's letterbooks is addressed to the following: Dunlap & Flora, Russell Shlickler, James Haworth, F. Buckley, Robert Ferris, George P. Laflin, Henry Breiner, General Davidson,...
Dates: 1870-1876

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  • Subject: Quakers X
  • Subject: correspondence X

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Haverford College Quaker & Special Collections 238
Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College 63
Bryn Mawr College 1
correspondence 186
Quakers 169
Quakers -- History 151
letters (correspondence) 104
Quakers -- Family relationships 53
∨ more
manuscripts (documents) 35
Quakers -- Pennsylvania 34
Quaker women 26
photographs 26
Quakers -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia 24
diaries 24
Quakers -- Correspondence 23
clippings (information artifacts) 21
Society of Friends -- Charities -- Records and correspondence 19
commonplace books 19
financial records 19
Quakers -- Travel 15
Quakers -- Social life and customs 14
Charities -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia 13
Quakers -- Education 13
Quaker businesspeople 12
Philadelphia (Pa.) 10
Quakers -- Societies, etc. 10
Quakers -- United States 10
Lay ministry -- Society of Friends 9
Wills 9
deeds 9
family papers 9
Social service -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia 8
Society of Friends -- Hicksite separation 8
Society of Friends -- Japan 8
marriage certificates 8
research notes 8
Antislavery movements -- United States 7
Diaries 7
Health 7
Indians of North America 7
Japan 7
Quaker missionaries 7
Quakers -- Great Britain 7
Slavery and the church -- Society of Friends 7
Society of Friends -- Correspondence 7
Society of Friends -- War relief and reconstruction 7
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 7
genealogies (histories) 7
speeches (documents) 7
Charities -- Pennsylvania 6
Haverford (Pa.) 6
Quaker women -- 19th century -- Correspondence 6
Quakers -- Genealogy 6
Quakers -- New Jersey 6
Women in charitable work -- Pennsylvania 6
minutes (administrative records) 6
scrapbooks 6
African Americans -- Services for -- Pennsylvania 5
American poetry 5
Nonprofit organizations -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia 5
Philadelphia (Pa.) -- History 5
Photography 5
Poor -- Services for -- Pennsylvania 5
Quakers -- New York (State) 5
Quakers -- Pennsylvania -- Bucks County 5
Quakers -- Travel -- 20th century 5
Quakers -- Virginia 5
Schools -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia 5
Society of Friends -- Indian affairs 5
World War, 1939-1945 5
account books 5
estate records 5
lecture notes 5
notes 5
Abolitionists 4
Church controversies -- Society of Friends 4
Courtship -- Religious aspects -- Society of Friends 4
Europe -- Description and travel 4
Germany 4
Literature 4
Photographs 4
Poetry 4
Quaker abolitionists 4
Quaker women -- Charities 4
Quakers -- Diaries 4
Quakers -- Germany 4
Reports 4
Society of Friends -- Charities 4
Society of Friends -- Education 4
Society of Friends -- International assistance -- Germany 4
Society of Friends -- Pennsylvania 4
Society of Friends -- Schisms and separations 4
Society of Friends -- Wilburite controversy 4
Virginia 4
Women -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia -- Societies, etc. 4
maps (documents) 4
pamphlets 4
poems 4
sketches 4
Abolitionists -- United States -- History -- 19th century 3
African American children -- Education -- Pennsylvania 3
African Americans -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia -- Population 3
Authors, Japanese 3
+ ∧ less
Haverford College 19
American Friends Service Committee 18
Westtown Boarding School 10
Cadbury, Henry J. (Henry Joel), 1883-1974 7
Jones, Rufus M. (Rufus Matthew), 1863-1948 6
∨ more
Bryn Mawr College 5
Fox, George 5
Society of Friends 5
Steere, Douglas V. (Douglas Van), 1901-1995 5
Brown family 4
Cope family 4
Gurney, Joseph John, 1788-1847 4
Hamm, Thomas D. 4
Harvard University 4
Hicks, Elias, 1748-1830 4
Jones, Mary Hoxie 4
Jones, Rebecca, 1739-1817 4
Morris family 4
Pemberton, John, 1727-1795 4
Pendle Hill (School: Wallingford, Pa.) 4
Rhoads, Samuel, 1806-1868 4
Bacon family 3
Brinton, Anna Cox 3
Brinton, Howard Haines, 1884-1973 3
Cadbury family 3
Cope, Thomas Pim 3
Evans family 3
Monthly Meeting of Friends of Philadelphia (Hicksite) 3
Morris, Elliston P. (Elliston Perot), 1899-1980 3
Nitobe, Inazō, 1862-1933 3
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends Library 3
Sharpless family 3
Shipley family 3
Stokes family 3
Wheeler, Daniel, 1771-1840 3
Allen family 2
Allinson, William J., 1810-1874 2
Association for the Care of Coloured Orphans (Cheyney, Pa.) 2
Association of Friends for the Relief of Freedmen (New York, N.Y.) 2
Bacon, Francis R. (Francis Rogers), 1888-1965 2
Bean, Hannah E. (Hannah Elliott), 1830-1909 2
Bean, Joel, 1825-1914 2
Benezet, Anthony 2
Benson, Lewis 2
Bettle family 2
Bettle, Samuel 2
Bowles, Minnie, 1868-1958 2
Brinton family 2
Brown, Mary Wistar, 1807-1842 2
Brown, Moses, 1793-1879 2
Brown, Moses, 1829-1883 2
Brown, Thomas Kite, 1851-1929 2
Cadbury, Anna K (Anna Kaighn), 1846-1923 2
Cadbury, Catherine J. 2
Cadbury, Lydia Caroline Brown, 1889-1978 2
Cadbury, William Warder 2
Cary, John R. 2
Clark family 2
Collins family 2
Comly, John, 1773-1850 2
Cope, Alfred 2
Dillwyn, George, 1738-1820 2
Drinker, Henry, 1734-1809 2
Earlham College 2
Edwards family 2
Evans, Thomas, 1798-1868 2
Female Association of Philadelphia for the Relief of the Sick and Infirm Poor with Clothing 2
Fisher family 2
Fothergill, Samuel 2
Friends Girls School (Tokyo, Japan) 2
Friends Historical Association 2
Friends Instruction Association (Philadelphia, Pa.) 2
Friends World Committee for Consultation 2
Friends' Association of Philadelphia and Its Vicinity, for the Relief of Colored Freedmen 2
Grellet, Stephen, 1773-1855 2
Guilford College 2
Gurney, Eliza Paul, 1801-1881 2
Haines family 2
Haines, Samuel Bunting, 1840-1863 2
Hartshorne, Anna C. (Anna Cope) 2
Hilles, Margaret Hill Smith, 1786-1882 2
Hirohito, Emperor of Japan 2
Howell family 2
Jones, Richard Mott, 1843-1917 2
Jones, Sybil 2
Kimber, Thomas, 1825-1890 2
Ladd, Benjamin 2
Letchworth, Elizabeth Kite 2
Letchworth, John 2
Lloyd family 2
Miles, Catharine Cox 2
Morris, Margaret Hill 2
Morris, Samuel Buckley, 1791-1859 2
Mott, James, 1788-1868 2
Mott, John, 1783-1848 2
New York Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends 2
Pease, John, 1797-1868 2
Penn Sewing School (Philadelphia, Pa.) 2
Penn, William, 1644-1718 2
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of Friends (Orthodox : 1827-1955) 2
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