Showing Collections: 501 - 510 of 597
Daniel B. Smith papers
This collection is comprised of the six volumes of miscellany of Daniel B. Smith. The collection includes three school notebooks, and two volumes of library catalogs.
Smith family commonplace book
This commonplace book features writings from the Smith family.
"Lives of the Ministers of the Gospel Among the People Called Quakers"
The manuscripts of John Smith's "The Lives of Ministers of the Gospel Among the People called Quakers" are comprised of entries about Quaker ministers, arranged alphabetically. Entries briefly describe the life of each minister, largely relying upon quoted testimonies from Monthly and Yearly Meetings.
John Smith letterbooks
John Smith's letterbooks include both personal and business correspondence. Personal correspondence discusses family news and births, deaths, and marriages within the Quaker community. Business correspondence is largely related to the buying and selling of imported dry goods.
Joseph Smith account book
The personal account book of Joseph Smith includes an account of John Smith’s estate, and Joseph Smith’s personal accounts, including records of deposits, withdrawals for payments for goods and services, and account balances.
Richard Smith account book
The account book of Richard Smith records deposits, withdrawals for payments for goods and services, and account balances.
Richard S. Smith deeds
This collection is comprised of the single volume book which includes the copied deeds of Richard S. Smith, and his brother, Joseph Smith.
Speakers' Bureau of the Friends Peace Committee records
Anna Spencer diaries
Anna Spencer's diary entries describe weather, social calls, domestic duties, family news, attendance at meetings, births, deaths, and marriages within the Quaker community, and the health of herself and family members.