Showing Collections: 521 - 530 of 597
Mary Howell Swett papers
This collection contains the papers of Mary Howell Swett, and includes lists of places she visited and one volume of financial information.
Albert Syze correspondence
This collection is comprised of a single folder of letters directed to Albert Syze, a Quaker who attended Haverford College in the late 19th century. Of interest is information about geographic areas for placement of missionaries by various yearly meetings. Letter writers include Phoebe Aydelotte, Fred Burgess, Lottie Farquhar, D.L. Mekeel, and Phoebe Mekeel. Letters often discuss Haverford College, as well as yearly meetings and areas of their missionary work.
Richard Tangye scrapbook
This scrapbook is comprised of reports from Quarterly Meetings, copies of letters and documents concerning marriages, and articles written by George Fox.
Charles Shoemaker Taylor letterbook
This collection is comprised of the single volume letterbook of Charles Shoemaker Taylor, which contains business correspondence related to the buying and selling of goods, livestock, and land. Taylor was educated at Haverford College, was a member of the original board of trustees for Bryn Mawr College until 1893, and was the vice president of the Haverford College Alumni Association.
"Recollections of my Life Time"
In the volume, George W. Taylor describes his family genealogy, his early education, his experiences growing up as a Quaker and a conversation he had with Elias Hicks, his career as a teacher in New York and Pennsylvania, and his business selling slave-free labor dry goods during the Civil War.
George W. Taylor letterbooks
This collection is comprised of two volumes of the letterbooks of convinced Quaker George W. Taylor, which contain business correspondence.
George Washington Taylor account books
The account books of George W. Taylor record deposits, withdrawals for payments for goods and services, and account balances.
Sallie M. Taylor commonplace book
The commonplace book of Sallie M. Taylor includes excerpts of poetry related to friendship, nature, and family, as well as quotations, a prayer card, and a poem copied for Taylor by" E.M.W."
A Testimony of 29 Friends of Preston Patrick Meeting
This collection is comprised of the single, handwritten copy of a paper from the Monthly Meeting Book at Kendal, England. The full title of the volume is: "A Testimony of 29 Friends of Preston Patrick Meeting Against that Paper which John Storye's Party gave forth, 28th of the 2nd month, 1678." The date at which the copy was made is unknown.
Allen C. Thomas lecture notes
This collection is comprised of the single volume notebook of history and lecture notes of professor Allen C. Thomas. The notebook includes notes on the history of Sandwich monthly and quarterly meetings, and on Newell Hoxie, of Sandwhich, Mass.