Showing Collections: 31 - 40 of 597
"Education and Some Educators Among Early Friends"
The typed speech of Samuel Austin, entitled "Education and Some Educators Among Early Friends," focuses on the history of "Pagan Education" and the transition to "Christian Education." It also highlights early Quaker education and educators.
Iwao Frederick Ayusawa correspondence
This collection is comprised of the personal correspondence of Iwao Frederick Ayusawa.
James A. Babbitt photograph album
This collection includes photographs from World War I Europe. Photographs include those taken on a ship to Europe, at a hospital in France, and at a number of battlefields throughout Europe. This volume includes graphic images of war casualties.
James A. Babbitt scrapbooks
James Babbitt's scrapbooks are comprised of pamphlets and clippings related to collegiate sports and a variety of organizations that Babbitt belonged to.
David Bacon financial records
This collection is comprised of the financial records of David Bacon, a Philadelphia hatter and Quaker elder. Also includes financial materials related to his will.
Bacon Family papers
This collection is comprised of a single volume diary, as well as correspondence from various members of the Bacon family.
Francis Bacon diaries
Entries describe Bacon’s daily life, including descriptions of the weather, Quaker meetings he attended, business transactions, social calls with friends and family, and the births, deaths, and marriages within the Quaker community.
George Bacon diaries
George Bacon's entries largely focus on descriptions of the weather, Quaker meetings attended, Yearly Meetings attended, births, deaths, and marriages in the Quaker community, social calls, and news of his family and business. In addition to the 17 original volumes of diaries, the collection includes a folder of partial transcripts of Bacon's diaries, some typed, some handwritten, as well as an index of journal entries by topic.
"Biographical Sketch of Joshua Longstreth Baily"
The biography of Joshua Longstreth Baily, written by Alfred Baily, includes a brief history of the Baily family, and is largely comprised of extracts of Joshua Baily's letters.
Joshua L. Baily notes on quaker meetings
This collection is comprised of Joshua Baily's notes on the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, as well as various Quarterly meetings. The collection includes Baily's original handwritten notes, a volume of typed notes compiled later, and related materials, such as letters and extracts of sermons.