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Showing Collections: 41 - 50 of 597

Joshua L. Baily account book

Identifier: HC.MC-975-08-001
Abstract This volume was originally used as an account book, from 1794 to 1795, and was later repurposed as a diary or timeline of events, dated from 1826 to 1915. The section of the volume that acts as an account book includes an index, in which individuals are organized alphabetically, and entries record amounts paid or owned, the goods purchased, and the currency used. Goods listed are mainly dry goods and lumber, including: flour, "middling" (bulk goods of medium grade), hog feed, cornmeal,...
Dates: 1794-1915

Joshua L. Baily commonplace books

Identifier: HC.MC-975-03-005

Joshua Longstreth Baily (1826-1916) was a Quaker merchant in the dry goods business, and was involved in African American causes, peace issues, and temperance. Volume 1 contains extracts organized by topics such as: benevolence, courage, doing for Jesus, fear, forgiveness, honesty, lying, missionaries, prayer, resignation, and truthfulness. Volume 2 contains extracts of essays on literature and copied poems.

Dates: Undated.

Roland Herbert Bainton papers

Identifier: HC.MC-950-011

This collection is comprised of two photocopies of materials collected by Roland Herbert Bainton, a Protestant church historian and professor of ecclesiastical history at Yale University.

Dates: Undated.

"Teacher Willa"

Identifier: HC.MC-975-07-008

The autobiography of Willa E. Ballard, a Quaker teacher, describes Ballard's early life, her parents and siblings, her experience growing up as a Quaker, her training as a teacher, and her experiences teaching in Moorestown and Atlantic City, New Jersey, and at the Mekusukey School in the Seminole Nation, as well as her time as a teacher and later a principal at various schools in California.

Dates: 1948

Baltimore Yearly Meeting correspondence

Identifier: HC.MC-950-013

This collection contains the typed correspondence of the Baltimore Yearly Meeting.

Dates: 1909

Barclay letters

Identifier: HC.MC-909

Primarily letters of Robert Barclay, a Quaker of the 18th and early 19th century, who established a brewery in England, on topics ranging from financial affairs and land transactions to personal matters.

Dates: 1688-1794

"Apologie de la Vraie Theologie Christienne"

Identifier: HC.MC-975-07-009

Robert Barclay's "Apology for the True Christian Divinity," translated into French by Georges Liens, summarizes the early Quaker theological concerns of the beliefs of Friends as Barclay heard them preached by George Fox and other influential Friends.

Dates: Undated.

"Philadelphia's Arch Street Meeting House: A Biography"

Identifier: HC.MC-975-07-010

The manuscript of Gergory Barnes's "Philadelphia's Arch Street Meeting House: A Biography" provides a history of Philadelphia's Arch Street Meeting House from the purchase of the land by William Penn in 1683, to the present, including important Quaker individuals, the influence of Philadelphia's history on the Meeting House, the Orthodox-Hicksite separation, and the Wilburite-Gurneyites.

Dates: 2011

Bartlett Family papers

Identifier: HC.MC-950-014

This collection is comprised of the correspondence, school records, financial records, legal documents, and miscellaneous papers of various members of the Bartlett family.

Dates: 1842-1859

"The Boston Broad Brim"

Identifier: HC.MC-975-07-011
Abstract The manuscript of George A. Barton, entitled "The Boston Broad Brim," appears to be satirical in nature, and, according to the introduction supplied by the manuscript, "The Boston Broad Brim is published Semi-Occasionally for the benefit of the Boston Meeting. It is the official organ of the Whittier Association," and was previously called the "Highland Hall News, and was a weekly paper." This volume provides a brief satirical history of Quakers, particularly their move from Switzerland to...
Dates: 1884

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  • Subject: Quakers -- History X

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Haverford College Quaker & Special Collections 585
Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College 10
Swarthmore College Peace Collection 2
Quakers -- History 587
Quakers 475
manuscripts (documents) 151
correspondence 136
diaries 93
∨ more
Quaker women 75
Quakers -- Diaries 70
commonplace books 67
financial records 59
letters (correspondence) 57
Quakers -- Family relationships 49
Poetry 46
Quakers -- Travel 46
Quakers -- Pennsylvania 33
travel literature 30
Quakers -- Great Britain 28
Quakers -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia 28
clippings (information artifacts) 26
Quaker women -- United States 25
account books 25
Literature 22
genealogies (histories) 22
photographs 19
autobiographies (documents) 18
minutes (administrative records) 18
Academic writing 17
Quakers -- Education 17
scrapbooks 17
Women and religion 14
notebooks 14
Quaker businesspeople 13
Quakers -- Pennsylvania -- Social life and customs 13
Slavery and the church -- Society of Friends 13
Society of Friends -- Hicksite separation 13
research notes 13
Indians of North America 11
Wills 11
biographies (documents) 11
Quakers -- Social life and customs 10
Child rearing -- Religious aspects -- Society of Friends 9
Philadelphia (Pa.) -- History 9
Society of Friends -- Education 9
Society of Friends -- Indian affairs 9
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 9
Marriage -- Religious aspects -- Society of Friends 8
Quakers -- New Jersey 8
Society of Friends -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia -- History -- Sources 8
Antislavery movements -- United States 7
Quaker abolitionists 7
Seneca Indians 7
United States -- History -- Revolution, 1775-1783 7
sketches 7
American poetry 6
England 6
Quaker missionaries 6
Quakers -- History -- 19th century 6
Quakers -- Massachusetts -- History 6
Quakers -- New England -- History 6
Quakers -- New York (State) 6
Women clergy -- United States -- Diaries 6
deeds 6
speeches (documents) 6
Drama 5
Germany 5
Memorials 5
Quakers -- Ireland 5
Quakers -- Norway -- History 5
Sermons 5
Society of Friends -- Clergy -- Diaries 5
Society of Friends -- International assistance -- Germany 5
Society of Friends -- Japan 5
Women travelers 5
cookbooks 5
estate records 5
maps (documents) 5
Agriculture -- Pennsylvania -- History 4
Agriculture -- United States 4
Children -- United States -- History 4
Death 4
Education 4
Education -- United States 4
Group reading 4
Haverford (Pa.) 4
Humanitarianism 4
Japan 4
Motherhood -- United States -- History 4
Pacifism 4
Philadelphia (Pa.) 4
Slavery -- United States 4
Society of Friends -- Barbados 4
Society of Friends -- History 4
autograph albums 4
pamphlets 4
postcards 4
school records 4
African Americans 3
Americans -- Travel -- England -- History -- 19th century 3
Conscientious objection 3
Food -- History 3
France 3
+ ∧ less
English 590
French 3
German 2
Norwegian 1
Welsh 1
Fox, George 15
Haverford College 15
Hicks, Elias, 1748-1830 10
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends Library 10
Penn, William, 1644-1718 8
∨ more
American Friends Service Committee 7
Simmons, Henry 6
Woolman, John, 1720-1772 6
Dillwyn, George, 1738-1820 5
Morris family 5
Morris, Marriott Canby 5
Sharpless, Joshua 5
Westtown Boarding School 5
Baily, Joshua L. (Joshua Longstreth), 1826-1916 4
Barclay, Robert, 1648-1690 4
Cadbury, Henry J. (Henry Joel), 1883-1974 4
Comfort, Howard 4
Cornplanter, Seneca chief 4
Morris, Elliston P. (Elliston Perot), 1899-1980 4
Pemberton, John, 1727-1795 4
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of Friends (Orthodox : 1827-1955). Indian Committee (1827-1948) 4
Sharpless, Henry Hale G. 4
Smith, Daniel B., 1792-1883 4
Smith, John, 1722-1771 4
Smith, Richard 4
Taylor, George Washington 4
Bacon family 3
Bettle, Samuel 3
Comfort, William Wistar 3
Cope family 3
Cope, Thomas Pim 3
Elfreth, Jacob R. Jr., 1837-1924 3
Gummere, Amelia M. (Amelia Mott) 3
Gummere, Samuel James 3
Gurney, Joseph John, 1788-1847 3
Haines, John S. 3
Haverford College. Quaker Collection 3
Hodgson, William 3
Jones, Eli 3
Jones, Rebecca, 1739-1817 3
Lloyd family 3
Lloyd, Mary Ann 3
Morris, Margaret Hill 3
Morris, Samuel Buckley, 1791-1859 3
Scattergood, Joseph 3
Scattergood, Thomas, 1748-1814 3
Seebohm, Benjamin 3
Sharpless family 3
Wheeler, Daniel, 1771-1840 3
Whittier, John Greenleaf, 1807-1892 3
Wistar, Thomas 3
Allinson, Elizabeth 2
Babbitt, James A. 2
Bacon, David 2
Baltimore Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends 2
Barton, George Aaron 2
Bean, Joel, 1825-1914 2
Benson, Lewis 2
Churchman, George, 1730-1814 2
Columbia University 2
Comfort family 2
Cope, Thomas P. (Thomas Pim), 1768-1854 2
Cresson, Charles C. 2
Cromwell, Oliver 2
Dillwyn, Sarah 2
Dillwyn, William, 1743-1824 2
Drinker, Henry, 1734-1809 2
Earlham College 2
Elfreth, Jacob R., Sr., 1789-1870 2
Evans, Thomas, 1798-1868 2
Fisher, Hannah Logan 2
Fothergill, Samuel 2
Friends World Conference 2
Garret family 2
Haines family 2
Haines, Deborah Bunting 2
Haines, Samuel Bunting, 1840-1863 2
Hinchman, Walter 2
Howard family 2
Jenkins, Margaret 2
Jones, Augustine 2
Jones, Sybil 2
Jones, William 2
Ladd, Benjamin 2
Leach, Robert 2
Leeds, Josiah W. (Josiah Woodward) 2
Lippincott, Horace Mather, 1877-1967 2
Lloyd, Susan H. 2
Matlack family 2
Moore, Milcah Martha 2
Morris, Beulah Sansom 2
Morris, Luke Wistar, 1768-1830 2
Morris, Samuel, 1827-1905 2
Newman, Henry Stanley 2
North Carolina Yearly Meeting of Friends (1698- ) 2
Parrish, John, 1729-1807 2
Paxson, Katherine Thompson 2
Peirce, John, 1756-1833 2
Penington, Isaac 2
Penney, Norman 2
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