Showing Collections: 11 - 13 of 13
Ann Warder diaries
This collection includes three bound volumes of handwritten transcriptions and extracts of Ann Head Warder’s diaries, originally written between 1786 and 1789. The transcriptions were written by later family members during the 19th century. Diary entries describe Ann’s voyage to America and her travels within New York and Pennsylvania, including people she met, Quaker meetings she attended, and social calls made during her travels.
Sarah Wistar diary
Early diary entries describe Sallie's classes and studies in her efforts to earn her high school diploma, while later entries describe social calls, illnesses in the family, and other family news, as well as Sallie's responsibilities as the eldest daughter living at home.
Anna Yarnall diaries
Anna Yarnall's diary entries describe weather, social calls, domestic duties, family news, attendance at meetings, births, deaths, and marriages within the Quaker community, and the health of herself and family members.