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Showing Collections: 221 - 230 of 468

Halliday Jackson Manuscripts

Identifier: SFHL-RG5-182
Abstract Halliday Jackson (1771-1835) was a Quaker minister from New Garden and Darby, Pa.. From 1798 to 1800 he joined the Quaker mission to the Seneca Indians organized by the Indian Committee of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting. Shortly after his return from the mission to the Seneca, Halliday Jackson married Jane Hough and moved to Darby, Pa. Following Jane's death in 1830, Halliday Jackson remarried in 1833 to Ann P. Paschall (1792-1874), also a Quaker minister. These records contain documents...
Dates: 1755-1833

John Jackson correspondence

 Collection — othertype: SC-204
Identifier: SFHL-SC-204

Contains primarily correspondence from John Jackson to George and Catherine Truman. Letters are largely religious in content, with reflections on education and the death of his father. Also contains a copy of a letter to William B. Irish, an account of Priscilla Hunt's sermon, and extracts of a letter from Elias Hicks.

Dates: 1834-1835

John Jackson Papers

Identifier: SFHL-RG5-171
Abstract John Jackson (1809-1855), son of Halliday and Jane Jackson of Darby, Pennsylvania, married Rachel Tyson (1807?-1883), daughter of Isaac Tyson of Baltimore, Maryland, in 1832. Together they established the Sharon Female Academy in Delaware County, Pa. John Jackson was a Quaker minister and served on the Joint Committee on Indian Affairs. Collection contains correspondence and other papers, 1827-1849. Series I is made up primarily of correspondence and drafts of correspondence between Griffith...
Dates: 1827-1849

Janet Speakman Papers

Identifier: SFHL-RG5-353

The collection largely contains correspondence of Janet Speakman, a lifelong member of Swarthmore Monthly Meeting. The significant correpondence dates between 1922-1939 when she worked in civilian relief in France and Russia and later traveled through pre World War II Europe.

Dates: ca. 1918-1971

Charles F. (Charles Francis) Jenkins Papers

Identifier: SFHL-RG5-073
Abstract Charles F. Jenkins (1864-1951) was a prominent Quaker who was involved with Green Street Monthly Meeting, the American Friends Service Committee, the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting (1919-1934), and Friends Intelligencer. He was also a Manager of Swarthmore College for 40 years and President of the Board from 1933 to 1944. Includes correspondence about "Signers' Walk" at Far Country, 1939-46, and general correspondence, 1897-1947, relating to Swarthmore College, Quaker Meetings, William Penn,...
Dates: 1865-1950

Jenkins Family Papers

Identifier: SFHL-RG5-211
Abstract The Jenkins family papers include journals, a letterbook, other miscellaneous correspondence and a variety of other material. Of particular note are the journals and copybook kept by Jabez Jenkins, a Quaker merchant. The documents from Canton were apparently assembled for his children after the death of their mother and contain parental advice on a variety of subjects. Another letter, written in 1741 from Sophia Hume to Madam Shettele, provides information about her attitude towards...
Dates: 1741-1877

Jenkins family papers

 Collection — othertype: SC-190
Identifier: SFHL-SC-190
Abstract Papers of the Jabez Jenkins family of Pennsylvania, 1829-1849. Includes "On board the Packet Ship George Washington Capt. Holdrege Liverpool to New York 1833: Some Recollections of England &c." 1833, manuscript Recollections of travel in England and Scotland in 1833 by Jabez Jenkins. Jenkins stopped for a relatively short time in England, on his way home to Philadelphia from Canton. Observations were largely of architecture and industry in London, Birmingham, Staffordshire, Manchester,...
Dates: 1829-1854

Howard Malcolm Jenkins Family Papers

Identifier: SFHL-RG5-074
Abstract Howard Malcolm Jenkins (1842-1902), a birthright Quaker, was a scholar of Pennsylvania history and genealogy and published many books and articles based on his research. He was an active member of the Society of Friends, editor of the Friends Intelligencer, and served on the Board of Managers of Swarthmore College. The collection contains family papers and genealogical material on the Jenkins and Foulke families, correspondence of Howard M. Jenkins, and his publications and writings....
Dates: 1724-1904

Patience Hunn Jenkins Papers

Identifier: SFHL-RG5-288

Patience Hunn Jenkins (1805-1884) was a Quaker minister of Camden Monthly Meeting, Delaware. The collection contains journals, a letter book, and miscellaneous correspondence reflecting her life in the ministry and social concerns. Her brother, John Hunn (1818-1894) with whom she was very close, was a major participant in the Underground Railroad.

Dates: 1841-1860

John Barnes Trustees Records

Identifier: SFHL-RG4-122

Records of Barnes Trustees Inc., formed in 1949 to hold in trust for Abington Meeting and School the land deeded for its use February of 1697. Also included in their responsibility are investments made with funds received from land sales over time.

Dates: 1880-1987

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  • Subject: Quakers -- Pennsylvania X
  • Subject: Quakers -- Pennsylvania X
  • Subject: Quakers -- Pennsylvania X
  • Subject: Quakers -- Pennsylvania X

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Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College 338
Haverford College Quaker & Special Collections 111
Swarthmore College Peace Collection 15
Quaker Meeting Records at Haverford College Quaker & Special Collections and Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College 4
Quakers -- Pennsylvania 245
Quakers -- Social life and customs 104
Quakers -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia 95
Quakers -- History 68
Quakers 51
∨ more
diaries 47
Quakers -- Diaries 39
Quakers -- Societies, etc. 31
Lay ministry -- Society of Friends 29
Quakers -- Education 26
Quakers -- Pennsylvania -- Social life and customs 25
correspondence 23
Society of Friends -- Pennsylvania 22
Quaker women 20
Society of Friends -- Education 20
genealogies (histories) 20
Society of Friends -- Charities -- Records and correspondence 18
manuscripts (documents) 18
Charities -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia 17
Quakers -- Pennsylvania -- Delaware County 17
Society of Friends -- Hicksite separation 17
letters (correspondence) 17
Society of Friends -- Charities 16
Pennsylvania -- History -- Sources 15
Quaker businesspeople 15
Quakers -- Pennsylvania -- Chester County 15
Quakers -- New Jersey 14
Quakers -- Social service 14
Quaker women -- Pennsylvania 13
Quakers -- Family relationships 13
Quakers -- New York (State) 13
Quakers -- Pennsylvania -- Bucks County 13
Quakers -- Travel 13
Universities and colleges -- Pennsylvania 13
Church controversies -- Society of Friends 12
Quakers -- 19th century -- Diaries 12
Quakers -- Correspondence 12
Quakers -- Genealogy 12
Quakers -- Pennsylvania -- Montgomery County 12
Charities -- Pennsylvania 11
Quakers -- 20th century -- Diaries 11
Social service -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia 11
Education -- Pennsylvania 10
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 10
account books 10
Nonprofit organizations -- Pennsylvania 9
Quaker authors 9
Quakers -- Pennsylvania -- 20th century 9
Quakers -- United States 9
Schools -- Pennsylvania 9
Schools -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia 9
Universities and colleges -- Pennsylvania -- Swarthmore 9
Byberry (Philadelphia, Pa.) 8
Quakers -- Ohio 8
Quakers -- Pennsylvania -- History -- Sources 8
Slavery and the church -- Society of Friends 8
Women in charitable work -- Pennsylvania 8
albums (books) 8
deeds 8
financial records 8
photographs 8
Pennsylvania -- Genealogy 7
Philadelphia (Pa.) 7
Philadelphia (Pa.) -- History 7
Poor -- Services for -- Pennsylvania 7
Quakers -- Pennsylvania -- Swarthmore 7
Quakers -- Virginia 7
Quakers in business 7
Social service -- Pennsylvania 7
Society of Friends -- Indian affairs 7
scrapbooks 7
African Americans -- Services for -- Pennsylvania 6
Diaries 6
Peace movements -- United States -- History -- Sources 6
Photography 6
Quakers -- Delaware 6
Quakers -- Maryland 6
Quakers -- Pennsylvania -- Germantown (Philadelphia) 6
Quakers -- Pennsylvania -- West Chester 6
Society of Friends -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia 6
Bucks County (Pa.) -- History -- Sources 5
Children -- Institutional care -- Pennsylvania 5
Delaware County (Pa.) 5
Literature -- Societies, etc. 5
Nonprofit organizations -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia 5
Peace -- Societies, etc. -- History -- Sources 5
Philadelphia (Pa.) -- History -- Sources 5
Quaker philanthropists 5
Quakers -- Great Britain 5
Quakers -- Pennsylvania -- Education 5
Quakers -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia -- History -- Sources 5
Quakers -- United States -- History -- Sources 5
Seneca Indians 5
Society of Friends -- Correspondence 5
Society of Friends -- History 5
Society of Friends -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia -- History -- Sources 5
United States -- History -- Colonial period -- ca. 1600-1775 5
United States -- History -- Revolution, 1775-1783 5
clippings (information artifacts) 5
African Americans -- Pennsylvania 4
+ ∧ less
French 1
Spanish; Castilian 1
Swarthmore College 42
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends Library 16
Westtown Boarding School 16
American Friends Service Committee 14
Haverford College 11
∨ more
Pemberton, James, 1723-1809 8
Penn, William, 1644-1718 8
Lloyd family 7
Pendle Hill (School: Wallingford, Pa.) 7
Drinker, Henry, 1734-1809 6
Hicks, Elias, 1748-1830 6
Kersey, Jesse, 1768-1845 6
Mott, Lucretia, 1793-1880 6
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of Friends (Hicksite : 1827-1955) 6
Brown, Moses, 1738-1836 5
Cadbury, Henry J. (Henry Joel), 1883-1974 5
Comly, John, 1773-1850 5
Cope family 5
Elkinton family 5
Evans family 5
Foulke family 5
George School (Bucks County, Pa.) 5
Hunn family 5
Jones, Rufus M. (Rufus Matthew), 1863-1948 5
Pemberton, John, 1727-1795 5
Smedley family 5
Smith family 5
Evans, Edward W. (Edward Wyatt), 1882-1976 4
Friendly Association for Regaining and Preserving Peace with the Indians by Pacific Measures 4
Gurney, Joseph John, 1788-1847 4
Hicks, Edward, 1780-1849 4
Hull, Hannah Clothier, 1872-1958 4
Jackson, John, 1809-1855 4
Jenkins family (Jenkins, Jabez, 1792-1858) 4
Palmer family 4
Parrish, John, 1729-1807 4
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends 4
Price family 4
Scattergood, Joseph 4
Sharpless family 4
Taylor family 4
Truman, George 4
Walton family 4
Wharton, Joseph, 1826-1909 4
Williams family 4
Allen family 3
Allinson, Brent D. (Brent Dow) 3
Brown family 3
Brown, Moses, 1793-1879 3
Bunting family 3
Cooper family 3
Darlington family 3
Dillwyn, George, 1738-1820 3
Fellowship of Reconciliation (U.S.) 3
Fisher family 3
Fisher, Thomas, 1741-1810 3
Five Years Meeting (Society of Friends: U.S.) 3
Gwynedd Boarding School (Gwynedd, Pa.) 3
Haines family 3
Hallowell, Benjamin, 1799-1877 3
Hamm, Thomas D. 3
Hayes, John Russell, 1866-1945 3
Hull, William I. (William Isaac), 1868-1939 3
Jackson, Halliday, 1771-1835 3
Jones, Rebecca, 1739-1817 3
Kite, Mary, 1793?-1861 3
Lewis, Graceanna, 1821-1912 3
Mather family 3
Miller family 3
Monthly Meeting of Friends of Philadelphia (Hicksite) 3
Ogden family 3
Ohio Yearly Meeting of Friends (Conservative : 1854- ) 3
Parrish family 3
Parrish, Dillwyn, 1809-1886 3
Parrish, Edward, 1822-1872 3
Paschall family 3
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of Friends (Orthodox : 1827-1955) 3
Preston, Ann, 1813-1872 3
Reynolds, Earle L. 3
Richardson family 3
Savery, William, 1750-1804 3
Schofield, Martha 3
Scott, Job, 1751-1793 3
Sellers family 3
Sharples, Edith, 1743-1787 3
Sharples, Joshua, 1747-1826 3
Swarthmore Chautauqua Association 3
Thomas family 3
Walker family 3
Warner family 3
Wharton family 3
Whitson, Benjamin F., 1867-1957 3
William Penn Charter School 3
Willoughby, George, pacifist 3
Wilson family 3
Wistar, Margaret, 1728?-1793 3
A Quaker Action Group 2
Abington Monthly Meeting of Friends (Hicksite : 1827-1955) 2
Abington Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends 2
Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 2
+ ∧ less