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Showing Collections: 231 - 240 of 468

John Family Papers

Identifier: SFHL-RG5-077
Abstract The John family was a Quaker family of Uwchlan and Shamokin Valley in Pennsylvania. The collection contains family correspondence, diaries, business and legal documents, memorabilia, pictures, and miscellaneous papers of the Reuben John family. Correspondents include Joanna Griffith, Phebe John, Ann Haines, Sarah H. Janney, Reuben John, Abia and Patty John, Pamela Brenholts, and their descendents. Also contains genealogical files of Don D. John which includes original family correspondence,...
Dates: 1775-1951

Perry and Rebecca John Papers

Identifier: SFHL-RG5-236
Abstract Rebecca (Underwood) John and her husband, Perry John, were ministers in the Society of Friends, members of Roaring Creek Monthly Meeting, and worshipped in the Quaker meeting house at Bear Gap (Shamokin), Pennsylvania. The bulk of this collection is correspondence, primarily from the 1840s through the 1850s. It includes some letters between Rebecca and Perry John, but the collection also includes letters received by the couple from relatives and friends. Many of the letters relate to...
Dates: 1805-1873

Jane Johnson papers

 Collection — othertype: SC-253
Identifier: SFHL-SC-253
Abstract This collection of miscellaneous papers includes Johnson's personal letters to fellow members of Green Street Monthly Meeting, minutes of a reading group, and copies of Quaker manuscripts: 8 ALsS, 1870-1879, to Ann Reeves; minutes of a reading circle, ca. 1870-1874 which include topics and discussions; ms copy of a vision described by Mary Levis at a Women's Yearly Meeting in 1843; ms copy by Harrison Streeter, 1868, of Joseph Hoag's 1803 vision; 2 ALsS, 1884, from Johnson to H. and K.S.;...
Dates: 1868-1909

Joint Committee of the Religious Society of Friends records

Identifier: HC.MC-950-104

This collection contains materials relating to the work of the Joint Committee of the Religious Society of Friends, including minutes, correspondence, and reports.

Dates: 1929-1949

Collection of Rufus Jones papers

 Collection — othertype: SC-066
Identifier: SFHL-SC-066
Abstract This collection includes letters and printed materials relating to Rufus Jones. Included are photocopies of letters commenting on or criticizing The American Friend of which Rufus Jones was editor. Among these are a letter from Henry Stanley Neuman, editor of The Friend, regarding the state of the Society in England, and a letter from Walter Malone relating events at Ohio Yearly Meeting in 1894. Letters from R.L. Kelly, Joseph Moore, David Hadley, and Thomas Newlin discuss The American...
Dates: 1894-1947?

"The Trail of Life in the Middle Years"

Identifier: HC.MC-975-07-054
Abstract The manuscript of Rufus M. Jones, entitled "The Trail of Life in the Middle Years," is the third volume in an autobiographical series, of which the two preceding volumes are: "Finding the Trail of Life" and "The Trail of Life in College." The narrative begins in the year 1893, when Jones became the editor of "The Friends Review" and began teaching philosophy at Haverford College. In it, he discusses the state of the Society of Friends at the time, and discusses his personal reconciliation of...
Dates: 1934

Sarah Jones Family Papers

Identifier: SFHL-RG5-100
Abstract Sarah (Sallie) Jones was a Bucks County Hicksite Quaker. She was the daughter of Amos and Margery Jones of Makefield Monthly Meeting and was educated at Ercildoun School in Kennett, PA. In 1859, she married William G. Cox of Goshen Monthly Meeting. This collection contains family correspondence and correspondence between Sarah Jones and her schoolmates at Ercildoun Boarding School. It also includes miscellaneous material such as a sermon by George Truman (1863) and teaching certificates for...
Dates: 1817-1907

George M. Justice Memorandums, 1825-1861

 Collection — othertype: RG5-298
Identifier: SFHL-RG5-298

George M. Justice was a successful Philadelphia merchant and important Hicksite Quaker. Beginning in 1825 until shortly before his death, he kept volumes of memorandum reflecting his thoughts on religion, the Hicksite Separation and its aftermath in Philadelphia, family information, astronomy, slavery, and other topics.

Dates: 1825-1861

Kent-Barnard Family Papers

Identifier: SFHL-RG5-079
Abstract Daniel Kent, emigrated to Chester County, Pa. from Ireland, in 1785. He joined the Society of Friends (Quakers) in 1790, and married Esther Hawley in 1791. Their great-grandson Henry Simmons Kent (1833-1906) was active in the establishment of Swarthmore Monthly Meeting and the Borough of Swarthmore, Pennsylvania. The collection includes material used by Daniels' great-granddaughter Ella Kent Barnard in preparation for the writing of three books. Among these materials are genealogical charts...
Dates: 1785/1928

Jesse Kersey papers

 Collection — othertype: SC-199
Identifier: SFHL-SC-199

Includes letters, sermons, and manuscript fragments, as well as an 1824 printed epistle from London Yearly Meeting. The papers provide important insight into Kersey's faith and his thoughts on the Separation in the Society of Friends.

Dates: 1824-1841

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  • Subject: Quakers -- Pennsylvania X
  • Subject: Quakers -- Pennsylvania X
  • Subject: Quakers -- Pennsylvania X
  • Subject: Quakers -- Pennsylvania X

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Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College 338
Haverford College Quaker & Special Collections 111
Swarthmore College Peace Collection 15
Quaker Meeting Records at Haverford College Quaker & Special Collections and Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College 4
Quakers -- Pennsylvania 245
Quakers -- Social life and customs 104
Quakers -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia 95
Quakers -- History 68
Quakers 51
∨ more
diaries 47
Quakers -- Diaries 39
Quakers -- Societies, etc. 31
Lay ministry -- Society of Friends 29
Quakers -- Education 26
Quakers -- Pennsylvania -- Social life and customs 25
correspondence 23
Society of Friends -- Pennsylvania 22
Quaker women 20
Society of Friends -- Education 20
genealogies (histories) 20
Society of Friends -- Charities -- Records and correspondence 18
manuscripts (documents) 18
Charities -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia 17
Quakers -- Pennsylvania -- Delaware County 17
Society of Friends -- Hicksite separation 17
letters (correspondence) 17
Society of Friends -- Charities 16
Pennsylvania -- History -- Sources 15
Quaker businesspeople 15
Quakers -- Pennsylvania -- Chester County 15
Quakers -- New Jersey 14
Quakers -- Social service 14
Quaker women -- Pennsylvania 13
Quakers -- Family relationships 13
Quakers -- New York (State) 13
Quakers -- Pennsylvania -- Bucks County 13
Quakers -- Travel 13
Universities and colleges -- Pennsylvania 13
Church controversies -- Society of Friends 12
Quakers -- 19th century -- Diaries 12
Quakers -- Correspondence 12
Quakers -- Genealogy 12
Quakers -- Pennsylvania -- Montgomery County 12
Charities -- Pennsylvania 11
Quakers -- 20th century -- Diaries 11
Social service -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia 11
Education -- Pennsylvania 10
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 10
account books 10
Nonprofit organizations -- Pennsylvania 9
Quaker authors 9
Quakers -- Pennsylvania -- 20th century 9
Quakers -- United States 9
Schools -- Pennsylvania 9
Schools -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia 9
Universities and colleges -- Pennsylvania -- Swarthmore 9
Byberry (Philadelphia, Pa.) 8
Quakers -- Ohio 8
Quakers -- Pennsylvania -- History -- Sources 8
Slavery and the church -- Society of Friends 8
Women in charitable work -- Pennsylvania 8
albums (books) 8
deeds 8
financial records 8
photographs 8
Pennsylvania -- Genealogy 7
Philadelphia (Pa.) 7
Philadelphia (Pa.) -- History 7
Poor -- Services for -- Pennsylvania 7
Quakers -- Pennsylvania -- Swarthmore 7
Quakers -- Virginia 7
Quakers in business 7
Social service -- Pennsylvania 7
Society of Friends -- Indian affairs 7
scrapbooks 7
African Americans -- Services for -- Pennsylvania 6
Diaries 6
Peace movements -- United States -- History -- Sources 6
Photography 6
Quakers -- Delaware 6
Quakers -- Maryland 6
Quakers -- Pennsylvania -- Germantown (Philadelphia) 6
Quakers -- Pennsylvania -- West Chester 6
Society of Friends -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia 6
Bucks County (Pa.) -- History -- Sources 5
Children -- Institutional care -- Pennsylvania 5
Delaware County (Pa.) 5
Literature -- Societies, etc. 5
Nonprofit organizations -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia 5
Peace -- Societies, etc. -- History -- Sources 5
Philadelphia (Pa.) -- History -- Sources 5
Quaker philanthropists 5
Quakers -- Great Britain 5
Quakers -- Pennsylvania -- Education 5
Quakers -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia -- History -- Sources 5
Quakers -- United States -- History -- Sources 5
Seneca Indians 5
Society of Friends -- Correspondence 5
Society of Friends -- History 5
Society of Friends -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia -- History -- Sources 5
United States -- History -- Colonial period -- ca. 1600-1775 5
United States -- History -- Revolution, 1775-1783 5
clippings (information artifacts) 5
African Americans -- Pennsylvania 4
+ ∧ less
French 1
Spanish; Castilian 1
Swarthmore College 42
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends Library 16
Westtown Boarding School 16
American Friends Service Committee 14
Haverford College 11
∨ more
Pemberton, James, 1723-1809 8
Penn, William, 1644-1718 8
Lloyd family 7
Pendle Hill (School: Wallingford, Pa.) 7
Drinker, Henry, 1734-1809 6
Hicks, Elias, 1748-1830 6
Kersey, Jesse, 1768-1845 6
Mott, Lucretia, 1793-1880 6
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of Friends (Hicksite : 1827-1955) 6
Brown, Moses, 1738-1836 5
Cadbury, Henry J. (Henry Joel), 1883-1974 5
Comly, John, 1773-1850 5
Cope family 5
Elkinton family 5
Evans family 5
Foulke family 5
George School (Bucks County, Pa.) 5
Hunn family 5
Jones, Rufus M. (Rufus Matthew), 1863-1948 5
Pemberton, John, 1727-1795 5
Smedley family 5
Smith family 5
Evans, Edward W. (Edward Wyatt), 1882-1976 4
Friendly Association for Regaining and Preserving Peace with the Indians by Pacific Measures 4
Gurney, Joseph John, 1788-1847 4
Hicks, Edward, 1780-1849 4
Hull, Hannah Clothier, 1872-1958 4
Jackson, John, 1809-1855 4
Jenkins family (Jenkins, Jabez, 1792-1858) 4
Palmer family 4
Parrish, John, 1729-1807 4
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends 4
Price family 4
Scattergood, Joseph 4
Sharpless family 4
Taylor family 4
Truman, George 4
Walton family 4
Wharton, Joseph, 1826-1909 4
Williams family 4
Allen family 3
Allinson, Brent D. (Brent Dow) 3
Brown family 3
Brown, Moses, 1793-1879 3
Bunting family 3
Cooper family 3
Darlington family 3
Dillwyn, George, 1738-1820 3
Fellowship of Reconciliation (U.S.) 3
Fisher family 3
Fisher, Thomas, 1741-1810 3
Five Years Meeting (Society of Friends: U.S.) 3
Gwynedd Boarding School (Gwynedd, Pa.) 3
Haines family 3
Hallowell, Benjamin, 1799-1877 3
Hamm, Thomas D. 3
Hayes, John Russell, 1866-1945 3
Hull, William I. (William Isaac), 1868-1939 3
Jackson, Halliday, 1771-1835 3
Jones, Rebecca, 1739-1817 3
Kite, Mary, 1793?-1861 3
Lewis, Graceanna, 1821-1912 3
Mather family 3
Miller family 3
Monthly Meeting of Friends of Philadelphia (Hicksite) 3
Ogden family 3
Ohio Yearly Meeting of Friends (Conservative : 1854- ) 3
Parrish family 3
Parrish, Dillwyn, 1809-1886 3
Parrish, Edward, 1822-1872 3
Paschall family 3
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of Friends (Orthodox : 1827-1955) 3
Preston, Ann, 1813-1872 3
Reynolds, Earle L. 3
Richardson family 3
Savery, William, 1750-1804 3
Schofield, Martha 3
Scott, Job, 1751-1793 3
Sellers family 3
Sharples, Edith, 1743-1787 3
Sharples, Joshua, 1747-1826 3
Swarthmore Chautauqua Association 3
Thomas family 3
Walker family 3
Warner family 3
Wharton family 3
Whitson, Benjamin F., 1867-1957 3
William Penn Charter School 3
Willoughby, George, pacifist 3
Wilson family 3
Wistar, Margaret, 1728?-1793 3
A Quaker Action Group 2
Abington Monthly Meeting of Friends (Hicksite : 1827-1955) 2
Abington Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends 2
Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 2
+ ∧ less