Showing Collections: 461 - 468 of 468
Sarah Wistar diary
Early diary entries describe Sallie's classes and studies in her efforts to earn her high school diploma, while later entries describe social calls, illnesses in the family, and other family news, as well as Sallie's responsibilities as the eldest daughter living at home.
Thomas Wistar journals
Thomas Wistar's journal entries largely describe his work as an Indian Commissioner, including visits to Washington D.C., the Seneca Nation, the Wichita Indian Agency, and other Native American Reservations. In addition to his work as a commissioner, entries detail social calls with family and friends, descriptions of Quaker meetings, and religious reflection and prayers.
John Wood, Jr. and Jean Brown Wood Collected Papers
John Wood served in Civilian Public Service (CPS) at the Big Flats CPS Camp (#46) in Big Flats, New York, during 1942-1943, and for a short time in 1943 at Guilford College (unit #101).
Anna Yarnall diaries
Anna Yarnall's diary entries describe weather, social calls, domestic duties, family news, attendance at meetings, births, deaths, and marriages within the Quaker community, and the health of herself and family members.
Young Friends' Association (Kennett Square, Pa.)
Young Friends' Association (Kennett Square, Pa.), a Quaker social and study group, was established in 1892 in Kennett Square, Pa. This collection contains the constitution and minutes, 1892-1905, in one bound volume.
Young Friends' Association (West Chester, Pa.) Minutes
Young Friends' Association (West Chester, Pa.), a Quaker social and study group, was established in 1895 in West Chester, Pa. This collection contains the constitution and minutes, 1895-1904, in one bound volume.
Young Friends Movement (Philadelphia, Pa.) records
Collection includes material on Young Friends' Movement seminars and conferences, financial records and statistics, Executive Committee minutes and correspondence, and photographs from seminars. Also includes some correspondence of Elizabeth and Ross Wilbur.
Wilmer J. and Mildred Binns Young Papers
Wilmer J. Young (1887-1983), a Quaker teacher and peace activist born in Iowa, was involved in post World War I reconstruction in France and Poland. He married Mildred Binns in 1922, and together they worked with AFSC work camps and cooperative farms until he began to teach at Pendle Hill in 1955. The collection contains primarily journals and correspondence from his time in France.