Showing Collections: 11 - 20 of 28
John Letchworth Kite journal
Journal entries describe Quaker Meetings in detail, including the names of each person who spoke at meeting, what their message was, and how Kite felt about each particular message. In addition to detailed descriptions of Meetings, Kite's entries also include his own personal spiritual and religious reflections.
Mary Kite commonplace book
The commonplace book of Mary Kite includes extracts from her diary, correspondence, and an account of a religious visit to North Carolina. Diary entries concern family news, as well as Kite's attendance at Quaker meetings and social events.
Matlack family notebooks
This collection is comprised of the three volumes of miscellaneous notebooks of the Matlack family. Included is a notebook of Asa Matlack, a notebook which includes copied inscriptions from Quaker tombstones, and a notebook with land records of the Matlack family.
Joseph Mendenhall papers
The collection consists primarily of lively letters by Joseph Mendenhall, a Quaker bachelor, to his cousin. They are written from Lawrence, Kansas, between 1882 and 1903, on topics ranging from Quaker ministers, the possibility of less plainness in meetinghouses, and many details about episodes in his or others' lives.
Newlin family correspondence
This collection is comprised of the correspondence of the Newlin family. The majority of letters are addressed to Rachel Newlin, written by her brothers, Nicholas and William, and her sister, Hannah Ann Walter. The letters discuss family news, social calls, and events attended, particularly marriages in the Quaker community.
North House minutes
This collection is comprised of the single volume of the minutes of the Sixth and Noble streets association, hosted at the North House, a Quaker center in Philadelphia during the 19th and early 20th century.
James Pemberton biography
The biography of James Pemberton includes descriptions of the Pemberton family, their history and genealogical roots, and the early life of James Pemberton, as well as his adult life. The biography includes quoted sections from Quaker meeting minutes.
Sansom Perot papers
This collection is comprised of the correspondence, financial records, and legal records of Sansom Perot Morris. The collection includes hand drawn maps of property, copies of Sansom Perot's will, loose financial documents, rent contracts, deeds, and correspondence.
Philadelphia Monthly Meeting Northern District records
This collection consists of one volume of Mark Balderston's notes for the Monthly Meeting of Philadelphia for the Northern District during the year 1878. It includes a list of members at that time, an index, along with minutes (unknown whether the minutes are original or copied).
Isaac Proctor papers
This collection is comprised of the papers of Isaac Proctor. The majority of the collection is composed of the personal correspondence of Proctor from the end of the 18th century, but also includes a single, small diary, and a single folder of his financial records.