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Showing Collections: 111 - 120 of 425

Friends Historical Library broadsides collection

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: SFHL-FBRD
Abstract This collection consists of broadsides and and other printed materials relating to the Society of Friends (Quakers). Some of the items in the collection are composed of a single, unfolded sheet with printing on only one side. Many others, however, are multiple pages and smaller sizes. Topics of the broadsides include: exhortations by Quakers against the slave trade; testimonials regarding deceased Friends; petitions to government authorities for recognition of various Quaker testimonies,...
Dates: 1660 - 2000

Friends Historical Library subject reference files

 Collection — othertype: PG-6
Identifier: SFHL-PG-6

PG6 Subject Reference Files consists primarily of pamphlets, newspaper clippings, ephemera, and other materials (mostly secondary source), collected at various times from various sources, and organized by topic.

Dates: Majority of material found within 1900 - 2020

Friends' Home for Children

Identifier: SFHL-RG4-086
Abstract Friends' Home for Children (“Friendly Acres”) was established in 1881 in Philadelphia by Hicksite Quakers. The Home was a residential facility for orphans and other children in need, modeled on a homelike environment rather than the large institutional more typical of the era. The Home was administered by a Board of Managers which originally was composed entirely of members of the Society of Friends. Eventually it became a summer camp, “Camp Sommerdale,” a summer facility for the children....
Dates: 1881-1988

Friends Housing, Inc., Records

Identifier: SFHL-RG4-030

This collection contains the records, 1966-1975, of Friends Housing, Inc., a non-profit Quaker organization founded in 1966 to aid in the rehabilitation of low income housing in the Mantua section of Philadelphia, Pa. The records include minutes and reports, correspondence, and related papers.

Dates: 1966-1975

Friends Indian Aid Association of Philadelphia

Identifier: SFHL-RG4-031

Friends' Indian Aid Association of Philadelphia was an organization of Hicksite Quakers in Philadelphia founded in 1869 to solicit donations of money and goods to distribute to the Native American tribes assigned to the oversight of the Yearly Meeting by the Department of Interior during the period of Grant's peace policy. The collection includes reports and minutes, financial reports, correspondence, and lists of goods.

Dates: 1869-1875

Friends Instruction Association records

 Collection — othertype: RG4-028
Identifier: SFHL-RG4-028
Abstract Contains the records of the Friends Instruction Association including minutes and financial records, receipts from stores, and published bylaws. Friends Instruction Association was organized in 1873 by Philadelphia Quaker women as A Mothers Meeting. Originally part of the Penn Sewing School, the group incorporated in 1876 as Friends Instruction Association. Philadelphia Monthly Meeting provided a meeting space in the Race Street meeting house. Its purpose was...
Dates: 1843-1894

Friends Intelligencer Associates Executive Committee Records

Identifier: SFHL-RG4-029

Contains the records, 1885-1944, of the Executive Committee, Friends Intelligencer Associates, the group which managed and edited the Hicksite Quaker periodical, Friends Intelligencer from 1920 to 1955. Includes minutes, 1916-19, miscellaneous papers including financial statement, 1885-1930, and mailing lists to 1944.

Dates: 1885-1944

Friends Neighborhood Guild

Identifier: SFHL-RG4-035

Friends Neighborhood Guild is a social welfare agency established by Hicksite Quakers in 1879 to serve the Poplar section of North Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It began as a volunteer organization for immigrant children and evolved into a settlement house and community center. This collection primarily contains early records of Friends Neighborhood Guild, and also the records of two related Quaker societies, the Friendly Settlement Association and the Spring Street Mission.

Dates: 1880-1962

Friends' Opportunity in the Orient

Identifier: SFHL-RG4-036

Friends Opportunity in the Orient was an unofficial Hicksite organization which sponsored a Quaker teacher in Canton, China, in the 1920s. The collection contains primarily correspondence with Margaret Hallowell Riggs, who was sponsored to teach at Canton Christian College and Canton Hospital.

Dates: 1923-1924

Friends' Publishing Corporation

Identifier: SFHL-RG4-033
Abstract The primary activity of the Friends' Publishing Corporation is Friends Journal, a Quaker periodical. The latter was the successor to The Friend, the serial published by the Orthodox Quakers (1827-1955) and Friends Intelligencer, published by the Hicksite Quakers (1844-1955). It was established as a result of the merger of the two Philadelphia Yearly Meetings, and the first consolidated issue was dated July 2, 1955. Originally published weekly and then bi-weekly, it became a monthly...
Dates: 1959-2005

Filtered By

  • Subject: Society of Friends X
  • Library: Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College X

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Quakers -- Pennsylvania 86
Lay ministry -- Society of Friends 77
Quakers -- Social life and customs 75
Society of Friends -- Education 43
Society of Friends -- Hicksite separation 41
∨ more
Quakers -- New York (State) 39
Church controversies -- Society of Friends 36
Quakers -- Societies, etc. 32
Society of Friends -- Charities 30
Quakers -- New York (State) -- New York 28
Society of Friends -- Doctrines 24
Quakers -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia 23
Society of Friends -- Pennsylvania 23
Quaker women 21
Society of Friends -- Charities -- Records and correspondence 19
Quakers -- Education 18
Charities -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia 17
Quakers -- New Jersey 17
Society of Friends -- Indian affairs 17
Society of Friends -- New York (State) 17
Peace -- Religious aspects -- Society of Friends 16
Quakers -- Social service 15
Quaker authors 14
Quakers -- Diaries 14
Slavery and the church -- Society of Friends 14
Society of Friends -- History 14
Quakers -- United States 13
Quakers -- 20th century -- Diaries 12
Spiritual life -- Society of Friends 12
Charities -- Pennsylvania 11
Church and social problems -- Society of Friends 11
Social service -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia 11
Society of Friends -- Sermons 11
Society of Friends -- United States 11
diaries 11
Education -- Pennsylvania 10
Prison reform -- Society of Friends 10
Quakers -- Virginia 10
Society of Friends -- Clergy 10
Nonprofit organizations -- Pennsylvania 9
Quakers -- Correspondence 9
Social service -- Religious aspects -- Society of Friends 9
Church work with Indians -- Society of Friends 8
Indians of North America -- Government relations -- 1869-1934 8
Literature -- Societies, etc. 8
Quaker social reformers 8
Schools -- Pennsylvania 8
Schools -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia 8
Society of Friends -- Congresses 8
Society of Friends -- Discipline 8
Society of Friends -- New York (State) -- New York 8
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 8
Women in charitable work -- Pennsylvania 8
Church work with the poor -- Society of Friends 7
Poor -- Services for -- Pennsylvania 7
Quaker women -- Pennsylvania 7
Quakers -- Maryland 7
Quakers -- Ohio 7
Quakers -- Pennsylvania -- Delaware County 7
Slavery -- United States 7
Society of Friends -- Correspondence 7
Society of Friends -- History -- Societies, etc. 7
Society of Friends -- Peace testimony 7
Society of Friends -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia 7
Society of Friends -- Schisms and separations 7
Society of Friends -- War relief and reconstruction 7
Abolitionists 6
African Americans -- Services for -- Pennsylvania 6
Children -- Institutional care -- Pennsylvania 6
Conscientious objection -- Religious aspects -- Society of Friends 6
Homosexuality -- Religious aspects -- Society of Friends 6
Indians of North America -- Missions 6
Quaker abolitionists 6
Quaker businesspeople 6
Quakers -- Delaware 6
Quakers -- Great Britain 6
Quakers -- Indiana 6
Quakers -- Massachusetts 6
Social service -- Pennsylvania 6
Society of Friends -- International assistance 6
Society of Friends -- Nebraska 6
Society of Friends -- Societies, etc. 6
Society of Friends -- Testimonies and concerns 6
Spirituality -- Society of Friends 6
account books 6
genealogies (histories) 6
Antislavery movements 5
Charities -- New York (State) -- New York 5
Church work with older people -- Society of Friends 5
Hicksites -- 19th century 5
Lay ministry -- Pennsylvania 5
Nonprofit organizations -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia 5
Philadelphia (Pa.) 5
Quaker artists 5
Quaker women -- Diaries 5
Quaker women ministers 5
Quakers -- 19th century -- Diaries 5
Quakers -- England 5
Quakers -- History 5
Quakers -- Iowa 5
+ ∧ less
American Friends Service Committee 26
New York Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends 21
Swarthmore College 21
Hicks, Elias, 1748-1830 20
Pendle Hill (School: Wallingford, Pa.) 12
∨ more
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends Library 11
Friends General Conference (U.S.) 9
Comly, John, 1773-1850 8
Hicks, Edward, 1780-1849 8
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of Friends (Hicksite : 1827-1955) 8
Hopper, Isaac T. (Isaac Tatem), 1771-1852 7
Kersey, Jesse, 1768-1845 7
Parsons, Samuel, 1774-1841 7
Westtown Boarding School 7
Cadwallader, Priscilla, 1786-1859 6
Ferris, Benjamin, 1780-1867 6
Jackson, Halliday, 1771-1835 6
Jackson, John, 1809-1855 6
Janney, Samuel M. (Samuel Mcpherson), 1801-1880 6
Jones, Rufus M. (Rufus Matthew), 1863-1948 6
McClintock, Thomas, 1792?-1876 6
Dillwyn, George, 1738-1820 5
George School (Bucks County, Pa.) 5
Grellet, Stephen, 1773-1855 5
Hallowell, Benjamin, 1799-1877 5
Mott, James, 1788-1868 5
Mott, Lucretia, 1793-1880 5
New York Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Hicksite: 1828-1955) 5
New York Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Orthodox : 1828-1955) 5
Ohio Yearly Meeting of Friends (Conservative : 1854- ) 5
Parrish, Dillwyn, 1809-1886 5
Pemberton, John, 1727-1795 5
Penn, William, 1644-1718 5
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends 5
Poole, William, 1764-1829 5
Schofield, Martha 5
Scott, Job, 1751-1793 5
Woolman, John, 1720-1772 5
Biddle, Clement M. (Clement Miller), 1876-1959 4
Brown, Moses, 1738-1836 4
Chalkley, Thomas, 1675-1741 4
Five Years Meeting (Society of Friends: U.S.) 4
Foulke family 4
Foulke, Joseph, 1786-1863 4
Friends Conference on Religion and Psychology 4
Friends World College 4
Garrigues, Edward, 1756-1845 4
Green Street Monthly Meeting of Friends (Philadelphia, Pa.) 4
Hayes, John Russell, 1866-1945 4
Hull, William I. (William Isaac), 1868-1939 4
Monthly Meeting of Friends of Philadelphia (Hicksite) 4
New England Yearly Meeting of Friends 4
New York Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Hicksite : 1828-1957 : New York, N.Y.) 4
Ohio Yearly Meeting of Friends (Orthodox : 1828-1854) 4
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of Friends (Hicksite : 1827-1955). Joint Committee on Indian Affairs (1869-1892) 4
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of Friends (Orthodox : 1827-1955) 4
Schofield Normal and Industrial School (Aiken, S.C.) 4
Truman, George 4
Walton, George A. (George Arthur), 1883- 4
Walton, J. Barnard (Joseph Barnard), 1885-1963 4
Young Friends' Association (New York, N.Y.) 4
Baltimore Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends 3
Brinton family 3
Brinton, Anna Cox 3
Brinton, Howard Haines, 1884-1973 3
Brown family 3
Cadbury, Henry J. (Henry Joel), 1883-1974 3
Clark, Rebecca Timbres, 1896- 3
Dugdale, Joseph A., 1810-1896 3
Elkinton, J. Passmore (Joseph Passmore), 1887-1971 3
Fothergill, Samuel 3
Friends Housing, Inc. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 3
Friends Meeting of Washington (Washington, D.C.) 3
Friends World Committee for Consultation. Section of the Americas 3
Garrison, William Lloyd, 1805-1879 3
Genesee Yearly Meeting of Friends 3
Gould, Thomas B., 1813-1856 3
Gwynedd Boarding School (Gwynedd, Pa.) 3
Hicks family 3
Hunn family 3
Hunt family 3
Hunt, John, 1740-1824 3
Janney family 3
Jenkins family (Jenkins, Jabez, 1792-1858) 3
Jones, Margaret E., 1895-1984 3
Jones, Rebecca, 1739-1817 3
Kimber, Emmor, 1775-1850 3
Long Island University 3
Mather family 3
Monthly Meeting of New York (Society of Friends : Orthodox : New York, N.Y.). Peace and Service Committee 3
Mott, John, 1783-1848 3
New York Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Hicksite : 1828-1957 : New York, N.Y.). Peace and Service Committee 3
New York Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends. Committee on a Friends World College 3
Plymouth Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends 3
Powell, Aaron M. (Aaron Macy), 1832-1899 3
Price family 3
Rotch, William, 1759-1850 3
Seaman, David, 1791-1844 3
Sharples, Edith, 1743-1787 3
Sharples, Joshua, 1747-1826 3
+ ∧ less