Showing Collections: 51 - 60 of 425
Arthur W. Clark Prison Reform Papers
The collection contains correspondence and other papers of Arthur W. Clark, a Quaker active in prison reform and restorative justice. Long active in Philadelphia Yearly Meeting committees, he was the first secretary of the PYM Prison Service Committee established in 1960, and he served as Executive Director of the Clemency Project Working Group. A small amount of personal correspondence is included.
Lucy S. Clark papers
Primarily thank-you letters from recipients of parcels of food and clothing in Germany, England, Finland, and Norway, with descriptions of post-War conditions. Also includes lists of what was sent and explanatory correspondence.
Rebecca Timbres Clark Papers
Ezekiel Cleaver family papers
This collection includes the correspondence and miscellaneous papers of a Quaker family concerning the Hicksite/Orthodox controversy in Ohio, conditions of everyday life in Virginia and the Midwest, and observations on slavery and the use of tobacco. Also included is an account of Cleaver family births and deaths, 1729-1895.
Collection of Papers on the VISA Program in Tanganyika
Collection of correspondence, reports, reminiscences, newsletters, and other memorabilia fo participants in the VISA Program in Tanganyika in 1961-1963.
Margaret H. Collins Papers
Margaret Hill Collins, a member of the Society of Friends, was an advocate for integrated housing in the Philadelphia suburbs. These papers include her writings and poetry, personal correspondence, and the records of the Community Support Corporation. The latter was a small nonprofit that remodeled and resold homes in low income communities in Delaware County, Pa. It was established in the mid 1970s and was headquartered on Jackson Street in Media.
Samuel Comfort family papers
Samuel Comfort (1776-1862) was a leader of the Hicksite Quaker movement and the grandson of John Woolman. The bulk of this collection is writings and correspondence of Samuel Comfort, many dealing with the Hicksite separation and questions of Quaker discipline; but there are also papers relating to other family members, including references to his grandparents John and Sarah Woolman.
John Comly Separation papers
The papers relate to the Hicksite Separation of 1827. Included are copies of the published Orthodox declaration of 1828, a letter from John Comly (1773-1850) in defense of his own actions in the Separation, a copy of the address by John Comly to Green Street Monthly Meeting, and a refutation of Orthodox charges against Hicksites by William Gibbons.
Conrow-Hunt Family Correspondence
Contains three letters, 1786-1787, with later manuscript copies, to Quaker minister and diarist, John Hunt, from Darling Conrow. John Hunt added a biographical note concerning Conrow to the final letter. Also contains a letter, 1886, concerning Hunt genealogy.
Amy Grace Mekeel papers concerning Conservative Friends, New York Yearly Meeting
The collectionn contains Mekeel's notes and abstracts concerning Quaker meetings in the Scipio and Farmington Quarterly Meetings of New York Yearly Meeting, particularly concerning the various nineteenth century Orthodox separations. There is also a small group of correspondence focused on Quaker meeting records.